VMLite - an alternative Windows XP Mode impl

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  1. Posts : 8,375
    W7 Ultimate x64/W10 Pro x64/W11 Pro Triple Boot - Main PC W7 Remote PC Micro ATX W7 Pro x64/W11 Pro

    The game went on but simply won't run there for various reasons. The older RTCW fails with the "unable to open OpenGL subsystem" error despite DX9c having been installed on the 7 installation seen on the Virtual PC. Yet I seem to have good stereo sound working for a few media players.

    The Portable VBox settings and drives available can be seen in the images for the 64bit 7 installation here. That's still limited to the dvd drive not even seeing a second optical drive along with any of the hard drives.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails VMLite - an alternative Windows XP Mode impl-portable-virtual-box-settings.jpg   VMLite - an alternative Windows XP Mode impl-portable-virtual-box-drives.jpg  
      My Computers

  2. Posts : 625
    Windows 7 Ultimate 64Bit

    huisinro said:
    Windows XP Mode on any PC (www.vmlite.com)

    A Windows XP Mode like virtual machine that does not require VT-x or AMD-v, so Windows 7 on old PCs can also have XP Mode.

    There are many more features, snapshots, seamless mode virtual applications, auto shortcuts publishing, shared folders, non-admin, etc.

    We are accepting limited number of users for beta testing.
    i wouldn't mind trying this out. i was disappointed to find that my dual-core doesn't support virtual mode.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 7,878
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64

    matt0978 said:
    i wouldn't mind trying this out. i was disappointed to find that my dual-core doesn't support virtual mode.
    For a number of the other virtualization software packages, you CPU doesn't have to support Intel VT or the AMD equivalent. I don't believe that older versions of Microsoft Virtual PC needed this, VMWare Server 2.0 doesn't and neither does VirtualBox. Those are all free.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 262
    windows 7
    Thread Starter

    We will try to provide unique features, one of such is to automatically separate applications from the OS. Applications will be redirected to a second disk, and this disk will be able to plugin to another vm to instantly bring up all applications. This way, you can keep your apps separately from base OS. In other words, we are trying to implement file based snapshots, instead of disk based. File based snapshot enables you to apply the diff to a different vm.

    This kind of features involves many years of efforts, application virtualization to change the registry and file system behaviors inside the vm as guest additions.

    Ultimately, we will provide portable Windows virtual appliances without carrying the windows OS. In Linux world, bundling the OS is no issue, so Linux Virtual appliance is much more popular than Windows appliance.
    Last edited by huisinro; 23 Aug 2009 at 13:01. Reason: typo
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 8,375
    W7 Ultimate x64/W10 Pro x64/W11 Pro Triple Boot - Main PC W7 Remote PC Micro ATX W7 Pro x64/W11 Pro

    While virtualization has been around for several years at this point the XP mode is the first attempt by MS to include an OS option for their own VM ware. Eventually you'll wind up seeing a 7 mode after a couple of newer versions come out mainly for running anything 32bit since the lean is being seen towards the 64bit hosts.
      My Computers

  6. Posts : 1,112
    XP_Pro, W7_7201, W7RC.vhd, SciLinux5.3, Fedora12, Fedora9_2x, OpenSolaris_09-06

    matt0978 said:
    i was disappointed to find that my dual-core doesn't support virtual mode.
    I was too.
    But I already had MS Virtual PC 2007 SP1 running on XP, so I threw W7 into there. Sort of a 'reverse' vitual situation.

    Could've sworn I put the same app into W7 and installed XP Media Center Ed. in there, giving about the same results without the CPU hw bits.
    Maybe in a vhd - ain't booted any of those for a while...

    Yeah, there it is, 3 months ago - check shortcut icon at Left....
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails VMLite - an alternative Windows XP Mode impl-_w7_dt.jpg  
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 7,878
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64

    ChuckR said:
    I was too.
    But I already had MS Virtual PC 2007 SP1 running on XP, so I threw W7 into there. Sort of a 'reverse' vitual situation.
    Nah, there isn't anything 'reverse' about that. At least not from the standpoint that anything is substandard doing it in that direction.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 8,375
    W7 Ultimate x64/W10 Pro x64/W11 Pro Triple Boot - Main PC W7 Remote PC Micro ATX W7 Pro x64/W11 Pro

    Besides the XP mode I had the 32bit Vista Home Premium on one vhd and later upgraded to the 32bit 7 RC on the same one! I try installing the XP Home edition to see how that works out at some point.

    But forget installing 7 on the Virtual PC 2007 if you are running the Home Premium edition there. You need at least the Business edition if not Ultimate or Enterprise.
      My Computers

  9. Posts : 1,112
    XP_Pro, W7_7201, W7RC.vhd, SciLinux5.3, Fedora12, Fedora9_2x, OpenSolaris_09-06

    pparks1 said:
    At least not from the standpoint that anything is substandard doing it in that direction.
    Ya gots ta see if it'll run.
    Not that you ever want to run it.
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 262
    windows 7
    Thread Starter

    By the way, we will support xp mode creation from the following sources:
    (1) Major 3rd party vm images (v2v migration)
    (2) OS CD images
    (3) live physical machines (p2v migration)

    The p2v converter can also be used with Virtual PC, so you can use it to migrate your existing XP machines to run as vm on Windows 7, whether or not through our virtualization software.
      My Computer

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