adding more RAM for xp mode

  1. Posts : 246
    windows 7 64bit build 7600

    adding more RAM for xp mode

    im assuming that theres an amount of ram thats designated for xp mode while its running,
    how do i find out how much and is it possible to increase that amount?


    sorry ive found it (wasnt to hard ) C:\Users\YOUR PC NAME\Virtual Machine right click settings Memory

    can i ask if i split my ram between xp mode and my desktop when i click on the desktop does all the ram get allocated to it or does xp mode need to be shut down for this to happen?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 24,479
    Windows 7 Ultimate X64 SP1

    I'm glad you found it, I couldn't on the XP mode pages.
    As long as Virtual PC is running, it will use the RAM you have allocated to it. If you shut it down all RAM will be available for the host system.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 246
    windows 7 64bit build 7600
    Thread Starter

    thanks, think i could do with more memory
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 246
    windows 7 64bit build 7600
    Thread Starter

    as an after thought when i go into the vmcx file the max available ram ive got is 3,712 when i have 6gb installed,

    is this normal
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 24,479
    Windows 7 Ultimate X64 SP1

    You're welcome.
    6GB should be fine unless you're doing some RAM intensive work, CAD, gaming, video coding, etc. Of course I'm a big believer in having plenty of RAM, see my specs.
      My Computer


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