Hardware virtualization on TOSHIBA BIOS V1.10, 14.7.2008

  1. Posts : 1
    Windows 7 Ultimate x 32 bit

    Hardware virtualization on TOSHIBA BIOS V1.10, 14.7.2008

    Hi there
    My PC is Toshiba Portege with WINDOWS 7 Ultimate x 32 bit, BIOS - TOSHIBA V1.10, 14.7.2008
    I want to install an old game for XP platform. In order to do that have to install XP Mode but it apears that Hardwere virtualisation in BIOS has been disabled. Can you please guide me step by step thru the activation proces.

    Best regards
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 1,686
    Windows 7 x64 Ultimate and numerous virtual machines

    Welcome to Seven Forums
    It is no longer absolutely necessary to have Virtulization in the bios. Just go ahead and download the XP mode and the Windows updates and install them
    Microsoft removed the limitation when it was discovered that most Intel chips available in 2009 did not have the function available.

    Install and use Windows XP Mode in Windows 7
      My Computer


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