Need bootable copy of Win 7 Ultimate 32bit

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  1. Posts : 7
    Windows Ultimate x 32
    Thread Starter


    I do not have a product key to give them, only the product id from the system info page. If I had the key, I wouldn't be bothering with it.

    If the product id is genuine, then will they give me key, or are you saying that the audit will give me the key and then I give them both the key and the id to check the genuineness?

    Thank you for you patience.
      My Computer

  2.    #12

    DonJones said:
    are you saying that the audit will give me the key and then I give them both the key and the id to check the genuineness?
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 7
    Windows Ultimate x 32
    Thread Starter

    Thank you.

    Can I download the audit software and move it between computers or does it have to run from the internet?
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 17,322
    Win 10 Pro x64

    DonJones said:
    Thank you.

    Can I download the audit software and move it between computers or does it have to run from the internet?
    It runs in your browser so just hook up your other machine and download it to that to get info on that one.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 11,840
    64-bit Windows 8.1 Pro

    You can download it, copy it to a flash drive and run it from there ...
      My Computer

  6.    #16

      My Computer

  7. Posts : 4
    Win 7

    I am going to try to help sort this out for you.

    Belarc Advisor.exe is a cool little piece of software that builds a detailed profile of your installed software and hardware. AND it will give you your product activation key!

    The individual who keeps typing
    Start CMD enter type slmgr /dlv
    is a little frustrating. You seem to be a new user and he offers no explaination of what or why and is MISSING a step. The step he is missing is "Run".

    The Start is the little Windows symbol in the blue circle at the very bottom very left
    Click on it and find Run, click on Run
    type cmd in the run box, enter
    this will open a black window box
    type in slmgr /dlv, enter
    wait a few moments and a white box will open that will tell you what the windows copy on your machine thinks about its activation genuineness
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 144
    Windows 7 Rc Build 7264 x86, Ubuntu

    ttoomm said:
    You seem to be a new user and he offers no explaination of what or why and is MISSING a step. The step he is missing is "Run".

    The Start is the little Windows symbol in the blue circle at the very bottom very left
    Click on it and find Run, click on Run
    type cmd in the run box, enter
    this will open a black window box
    type in slmgr /dlv, enter
    wait a few moments and a white box will open that will tell you what the windows copy on your machine thinks about its activation genuineness
    Sorry to be picky ttoomm, but this step (Click on it and find Run, click on Run) is not needed. Once you click on start, keyboard focus is set to the search box on the start menu. Simply typing CMD and hitting Enter will have the intended result Opening a command prompt )

    Though this will only give a partial key, will not help him much
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 232
    Window's 7 Ultimate 64bit

    Use Google search key finder and run the program it comes up with its like the very tasty candy name. Usually first entry.
      My Computer

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