stuck in update mode

  1. Posts : 1
    Windows 7 Ultimate

    stuck in update mode

    My wife was shutting down her netbook last night and the automatic update began. It got to 13 of 15, but has remained stuck there ever since. We can't do anything with it. Turn it off and back on; same thing is on the screen: "Please do not power off or unplug your machine. Installing update 13 of 15."

    There must be someway out, but I don't know what it is.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 6,349
    Windows7 Pro 64bit SP-1; Windows XP Pro 32bit

    Follow Niemiro's advice below. He is the resident expert on this type of problem.


    Just for your knowledge for the future.
    You can also set Windows Update to notify you about updates but only install when you want.
    First picture click Change Settings.
    Second picture you set as shown and then you can choose what to install.

    The main advantage is you can install 2-3 updates at a time and there is less chance of the problem you have now re occuring.
    Last edited by Hopalong X; 26 Jan 2011 at 10:32.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 908
    Vista Home Premium x86 SP2

    Hello and welcome to the Seven Forums!

    Can you please confirm for me that you cannot boot into Windows? If you can, consult with me immediately, and don't continue with this fix. :)

    Please try to boot into Safe Mode: Safe Mode

    If you can boot into Safe Mode, try to perform a System Restore from Safe Mode: See method one here: System Restore

    If you cannot boot into Safe Mode, find a Windows Vista/7 installation disk. Boot into it and select Repair your Computer. Perform a System Restore from your disk, using method two here: Safe Mode

    If you do not have an installation disk, or your one does not have the Repair your Computer option, create a disk using the download here (option two): System Repair Disc - Create

    If your computer does not have a CD drive, perform the download method here, System Repair Disc - Create but burn the files to a USB memory stick instead of a CD, and then boot into the boot menu, and select the USB device. Then perform a System Restore, using method two here: System Restore

    If System Restore has not helped, we need to use a manual fix.

    Boot into your disk, using the methods outlines about > Repair your Computer > Command Prompt. Run the following Commands:
    takeown /f C:\Windows\winsxs\pending.xml

    cacls C:\Windows\winsxs\pending.xml /G {COMPUTER NAME\Username}:F
    For example,
    cacls C:\Windows\winsxs\pending.xml /G ANNAI\SAI:F
    del C:\windows\winsxs\pending.xml
    Once your computer is running again, stick with us. Tell me what method you used. Do not try to update your computer again until I tell you to.

    Good luck!

      My Computer

  4. Posts : 2
    windows 7

    Same thing happend to me on my hp mini 110.
    I was able to get out of the update mode screen by turning off the netbook and removing the battery then putting it back. When I booted up I had the option to boot into safe mode. Once in safe mode it automatically reverted the update and rebooted itself then i was able to login and turn off automatic updates. I would like to install the new updates can you please adivse how.
      My Computer


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