Strange news from Windows 8 Italia

  1. Posts : 115
    Windows 7 Enterprise SP1 64-bit.

    Strange news from Windows 8 Italia

    le prime Build di Windows 8 appartenenti al ramo winmain_win8m1

    Questa notte ci è giunta notizia, tramite uno screenshot pubblicato da Zukona, che è finalmente iniziata la compilazione del ramo winmain_win8m1 di Windows 8.

    Le stringhe identificative delle ultime build sono:

    Leggi l'articolo completo...

    Google translate:
    Tonight we have heard, through a screenshot posted by Zukona, which has finally started filling out the branch winmain_win8m1 Windows 8.
    The string identifying the latest build are:


    The final build out would then be completed December 16, 2010. As you can see the pace is high and is made out a build every two days or so.
    This means that the dances are officially open from now on, could be disseminated on the web to build the first Milestone of Windows 8, but should not show major differences compared to Windows 7.
    More information will certainly during the CES 2011, the annual conference on new technologies, which will be held from January 6.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 966
    Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit

    Sweet. Gonna watch the torrent trackers
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 291
    Vista/Windows 7

    All I see are a bunch of folders named with numbers...I can replicate that and post an image, doesn't mean anything.
      My Computer


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