Problem Activating Windows 7
I'm trying to fix my Dad's laptop here and having some problems. His hard drive died on him, so I replaced it. The computer came with Windows 7 Home Premium 64 Bit on it. Thats also the only OS Sony's website has drivers for, that OS. It actually has Windows XP drivers as well. The sticker on the bottom is rubbed off almost completely, I can hardly read the code but I think I got it. Now most Windows 7 Product keys on new PC's are blue and white the label itself that is. This one looks like it's a Windows Vista or maybe XP? The laptop was bought a year ago, so I couldn't imagine it being XP. It also has a windows 7 sticker on it. Well I installed Windows 7 and the product key didnt work, I tried it changing all the letters I wasn't sure of, couldn't gt it. Installed Vista, but I cant find drivers for it at all. The thing that gets me, it does not look like a Windows 7 key label at all unless older ones came in blue green and red like Vista's and XP.
Any help/advice would be great.