Update files?

  1. Posts : 231
    Windows 7

    Update files?

    I just installed Win 7 and did all the updates. Is there a way to clean up and delete all the data use for the updates...everything is working great so I would like to clear out the space?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 634
    7 Ultimate 64 bit Service Pack 1

    badspell68 said:
    I just installed Win 7 and did all the updates. Is there a way to clean up and delete all the data use for the updates...everything is working great so I would like to clear out the space?
    I'm not exactly sure which data, in particular, you want to remove. However, I can tell you that using a registry cleaner is basically the 21st century equivalent of snake oil, they do more harm that good or nothing at all.

    I recomend you download Ccleaner here: http://www.piriform.com/ccleaner and run that daily or weekly. It will remove a bunch of files that build up and is believed to be a top notch tool for cleaning up your PC.

    In summation, registry cleaners are bad, Ccleaner is good (but don's use its built in registry cleaner) and finally, the built in Windows defrag tool is more than capable and you don't need a third party defragger.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 231
    Windows 7
    Thread Starter

    Looking to get rid of the Win 7 update install files.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 5,056
    Windows 7 x64 pro/ Windows 7 x86 Pro/ XP SP3 x86

    The folder "C:\windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download" is a temporary placeholder for windows updates, just navigate to it and delete its contents. CCleaner doesnt clean out this folder.
      My Computer


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