Preparing to configure Windows

  1. Posts : 2
    Windows 7 32bit

    Preparing to configure Windows


    Yesterday I installed new upgrades for Windows 7. Upon starting the computer this morning it just says "Preparing to configure Windows. Do not turn off you computer". I did turn off and restarted it in safe mode but still does the same thing. It has been turned on now for a couple of hours. It occationally writes to the HD but with seconds apart. Have anyone else experienced this? Just sit on my hands and wait...?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 2
    Windows 7 32bit
    Thread Starter

    Got tired of waiting and did a system restore. It now works.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 16,516
    7 X64

    Yep that's the first thing to try.

    Glad it worked for you.
      My Computers

  4. Posts : 2
    windows7 64bit upgrade

    same problem every few months

    I have had the same problem several times in the last few months. Usually a boot to safe mode then to normal comes up with the message the system is resetting to an earlier date and works, as does manually restoring.
    The system is set to download but not install updates but it disregards that at shutdown and tries to install anyway.
    I see that one of the updates is supposed to repair the updater. Should I manually run just that one? I have run several virus scans and the Microsoft one that is updated every 10 days with nothing found. I have also run MS Fixit as advised on another site. Any help would be apreciated.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 2
    windows7 64bit upgrade

    BTW my reply was not meant as an answer

    I hope to hear from tech help here. I have been able to fix this problem only temporarily and it takes multiple boots etc.
    Because this has happened multiple times I don't consider my system working. After fixing my pc twice in the last 2 days and turning Updates completely off. I see now that there is a notice that there are updates to install!
      My Computer


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