I can not update Windows 7, this error 80070002
I can not update Windows 7, this error 80070002
I can not update Windows 7, this error 80070002
Please download and save the Fixit on this page as it automatically does the steps shown on the web page that Carolyn posted the link to -
You receive a "0x80070002" or "0x80070003" error code after you download an update from Windows Update, from Microsoft Update, or from Windows Server Update Services
If this is the first time that this updating issue has occurred, close all open programs and web browsers before you run the Fixit.
Now run MicrosoftFixit50202.msi and choose it's Default mode.
When it's finished running, do a check for updates.
If the 80070002 return code still occurs when the system starts the check for updates, run the Fixit once more and this time choose it's Aggressive mode.
Restart the system after it's finished running and do another check for updates.
If this is not the first time that this updating issue has occurred, then start by configuring the system to Clean boot
How to troubleshoot a problem by performing a clean boot in Windows Vista or in Windows 7
When the system has been restarted to the Clean boot state and IF a 3rd party firewall was previously being used, check that the native Windows 7 firewall is now On.
Click the Start orb > in the Search field type in fir > Under Control Panel click on the Check firewall status link.
All 3rd party firewalls will be Disabled in the Clean boot state and the system must be connected to the internet so that the Windows Update Agent can be downloaded and installed.
Now run MicrosoftFixit50202.msi and choose it's Aggressive mode.
Restart the system to the same Clean boot state when it's finished running and do a check for updates.
If the system can update in the Clean boot state, suggest you save one update for a later test.
Undo the Clean boot configuration and restart to normal Windows mode.
See if the system can install the one saved update.