Win7 SP1 Causes Slow Boot

  1. Posts : 6
    Win 7 x64 Home Premium

    Win7 SP1 Causes Slow Boot

    I posted this thread last week. I thought the issue was cause by the SSD, but after removing it, starting a clean install, and very methodically installing all the updates incrementally, I now know "something" in SP1 has caused BootDevicesInitTime to go from 12 seconds to 62 seconds.

    The thing is, I intentionally didn't Slip Stream my install. I just used Windows Update and installed small groups of updates to rule things out. I had no problems until the only remaining update was Service Pack 1. By then it was only a 87.5 MB install. I was so careful, and spent so much time, only to have no idea what to do.

    As I understand it, SP1 is just a collection of all the other updates. So how do I find out what update screwed up my system? Any help is appreciated.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 273
    Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit

    Well it's been reported that Service pack on has slowed boot time on a lot of people's machines. I suppose the two realistic options are to wait and see if there is an update to fix the slow boot up and just deal with it until then. Or uninstall service pack 1.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 6
    Win 7 x64 Home Premium
    Thread Starter

    Devux said:
    Well it's been reported that Service pack on has slowed boot time on a lot of people's machines. I suppose the two realistic options are to wait and see if there is an update to fix the slow boot up and just deal with it until then. Or uninstall service pack 1.
    I just did a system restore and it's back to being fast.

    I think I have to deal with I guess. I just wish there was a way to indivually install all the components of SP1 so I could identify exactly what the issue is. Probably not good computering to not install the updates. My AV won't update itself w/o the proper Windows Updates.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 382
    Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit

    My computer took over 3 minutes to boot when I first installed SP1. After several reboots, the problem went away.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 6
    Win 7 x64 Home Premium
    Thread Starter

    Carolyn said:
    My computer took over 3 minutes to boot when I first installed SP1. After several reboots, the problem went away.

    Unfortunately this issue spans multiple installs and two different HDDs. The problem is on the IDE channel. Something in SP1 causes my BootDevicesInitTime to increase by 50 seconds, and the error is always a 109 error in Event Viewer:

    StartTime 2011-05-20T17:06:55.640400200Z
    NameLength 33
    Name PCIIDE\IDEChannel\4&1650ceac&0&1
    FriendlyNameLength 12
    FriendlyName IDE Channel
    VersionLength 0
    TotalTime 60004
    DegradationTime 49997
    PathLength 0
    ProductNameLength 0
    CompanyNameLength 0

    What's weird is, without fail, BootDevicesInitTime is 60-62 seconds.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 6
    Win 7 x64 Home Premium
    Thread Starter

    Issue resolved. I had to go to AMD's website and download their AHCI drivers. ASUS has those drivers bundled with their RAID drivers, and they don't properly install.

    I had been told my OCZ that Windows default AHCI drivers were superior to AMD's, but that is not the case for me. I am still curious as to what in SP1 triggered the conflict with the default drivers.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 273
    Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit

    Well that's something I will have to keep an eye out for, as I have yet to install SP1 ~Lol~ when I do I will have to watch the event viewer like a madman. Glad you were able to find a solution. Thanks for posting the update.
      My Computer


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