Error 1935 error occured installation of assembly Microsoft VC90.ATL
After months of trying different things I have gave up and come here for help. The problem arrises when trying to install AVG 2012. The error that is displayed during installation is;
"Severity Error
Error code: 0xC0070643
Error Message: General Internal Error.
Additional Message: Installing 3rd party redistributables failed. If Windows update is prepared on your computer, install it, if Windows update was installed recently, verify, please, its successful completion. Try to install AVG then again.
Error 1935. An error occured during the installation of assembly 'Microsoft.VC90.ATL, version='9.0.30729.4148', publicKeyToken="1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b", processorArchivetecture="x86", type="win32", Please refer to help and support for more information. HRESULT: 0x80070002.
Having looked around, people say this is a windows update error. I have followed various links back to microsoft support and ran fixes which have been unsuccessful.
Is there anything that can be done without formatting this laptop?
Last edited by RKNS; 14 Mar 2012 at 10:25. Reason: attachment added