Win 7 Upgrade Key Not Valid With Home Premium
I bought two licenses for Windows 7 Professional Upgrade when the Pre-Release special offer was in place. One I used on my laptop and the other has never been opened.
My laptop died and I bought a new one with Windows 7 Home Premium installed.
I want to use my upgrade disk but MS Canada Support told me that the upgrade key on my disk is NOT able to upgrade from Home Premium - only Vista.
She told me I had to buy ANOTHER upgrade to be able to use it with Home Premium.
This is even though the disk and the box say they include Anytime Upgrade
It is the key that is wrong.
MS Chat support says the key is valid for a clean install or an upgrade from Vista - not from Home Premium.
They want me to buy a third license for $89 to upgrade my new laptop.
How can this be?
Both the DVD and the case say the disk includes Anytime Upgrade and I fully expected - planned - on upgrading new computers as I got them.
Anybody know the best way to get MS to fix this?
As it is, I feel ripped off - and out my $250 (plus tax)