Unable to install updates on fresh Windows 7 SP1 install

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  1. Posts : 32
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64

    Unable to install updates on fresh Windows 7 SP1 install

    -Running Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit Service Pack 1

    Hello there, I've just built a new computer and am having trouble installing Windows updates on my fresh install.

    When I go to Windows Update, I get the following message:

    Install new Windows Update software

    To check for updates, you must first install an update for Windows Update. Your automatic updating settings will not change

    To install the update, Windows update will automatically close and re-open.

    When I click 'Install now', the window disappears and I am then confronted with the following message:

    Windows could not search for new updates

    An error occurred while checking for new updates for your computer.

    Error(s) found:
    Code 800F081F Windows Update encountered an unknown error.

    Does anyone know how I can get updates to work? Is there some way that I can manually download and install this update for Windows Update?

    Thank you.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 10,994
    Win 7 Pro 64-bit

    I'm guessing that your installation media already contained SP1, is that correct? Since this is a clean install my first thought is something happened during the installation process to damage or corrupt some system files. I'd try the Microsoft troubleshooter first.

    Troubleshoot problems with installing updates - WindowsUpdate_dt000

    If that doesn't work I'd try running the System Update Readiness Tool.

    What is the System Update Readiness Tool?

    If still no joy, and only because this is a very recent clean install, I'd just reinstall Windows 7 again. If the problem persists I'd start looking into the possibility of a bad installation disk, hardware issues, etc. Please post back if any of this helps or not.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 32
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64
    Thread Starter

    Yes, SP1 included on the install disc.

    I'll try those two tools now, thanks.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 32
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64
    Thread Starter

    I just decided to re-install, updates are now working.

    Thanks for the help.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 10,994
    Win 7 Pro 64-bit

    Excellent news! Thanks for posting back.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 21,482
    Win 7 x64 Home Premium (and x86 VirtualBox VM)/Win10

    Too late, I know - but the following would probably have worked.....

    Open Windows Update
    Click on Change Settings
    change settings to 'Never Update'
    OK out and reboot
    now go back and change the settings back to Automatic
    OK out and reboot
    Now try a check for Windows Updates again.

    (Sorry for the tardiness - but it may help others later)
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 6
    Windows Home prmium 64 bit

    Hello guys...I am new in forums.... I have a sony vaio vgn-fw21z using Home premium 7x64.... It is clean...I've just formatted it... I can't install any update.... I can't even see which updates are to installed...cause in windows update centre It says "Restart your computer to install important updates" but doesn't show which updates specific e.g (kb...)
    I tried microsoft tools for update fixies... I've tried all of the solutions you suggest here...but my bigger problem is that I can't even install kb's manually... it says "Update is not applicable to your computer"... I really don't know what to do...I've done days of research...I've even thought second format in a row....I need to install netframework4 cause I need for installing other programms...I am stucked...My laptop drives my crazy.... Thanks for your time.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 1
    Ultimate x64

    Created an account just to say THANK YOU.

    I used NoelDP's idea, even in 2014(month away from 2015) this worked like a charm :)
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 21,482
    Win 7 x64 Home Premium (and x86 VirtualBox VM)/Win10

    You're welcome - good luck!
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 52
    Windows 7 Professional x64 Service Pack 1

    NoelDP said:
    Too late, I know - but the following would probably have worked.....
    Yes, often times it can get *stuck* and if you just rattle the options, it'll "start working" again! =)
      My Computer

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