Windows 7 not updating, Indexing not working, search not working, FYI
I had been working an issue where the search function was not working correctly, I then noticed that Indexing was not working and I could not update windows.
I wanted to post this in case someone had similar issues, it took me a while to figure this one out...
The problem likely started when I cloned my drive to a new Seagate drive using a Seatools *Seagate** utility, which I believe is actually made by Acronis.
The final fix was installing new drivers for the Hard drive from Intel "Intel Rapid Storage Technology"
Symptoms =
Failure code when trying to start indexing = 0x8e5e0247
Search function would not work properly
Indexing was not working
Could not get Windows update to install
windows 7 indexing is not running acronis clone Intel Rapid Storage Technology 0x8e5e0247 windows update not working