KB2862335 error 80070057 causes other patches to fail

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  1. Posts : 1,102
    OEM Windows 7 Ult (x64) SP1
    Thread Starter

    No joy again with the 4 USB driver patches.
    Got all the way to restart > configuring > failed at 7% again (even though these were different updates)

    KB & error code:
    2862335: 80070057 (same as last week)
    2884256: 800F0826 (same as last week)
    2864202: 800F0826 (same as last week)
    2860838: 800F0826 (same as last week)

    FWIW When I tried to omit the 80070057 update and reinstall the rest the other day, it didn't work.
    And it seems that SURT did not fix the 80070057 error for 2862335 from last time.
    I checked the Dev Manager and the USB controllers all look OK (no yellow exclamations).

    I guess there is some sort of deep USB driver corruption in the OS?

    Next step, please?

    Random ideas:
    1. Rerun SURT & perhaps offline sfc /scannow?
    2. Built-In/Native Windows troubleshooter from the control panel?
    3. MS Fixit?
    4. Clean boot attempted install?
    5. Manual attempted install?
    6. Disconnect older HP USB printer & re-attempt troubleshooting or install?

    None of these sounds particularly promising, so I'll defer to you, of course.
      My Computer

  2.   My Computer

  3. Posts : 1,102
    OEM Windows 7 Ult (x64) SP1
    Thread Starter

    OK, just manual downloads, right?

    FWIW I never got 2529073 installed back in 2011, either. So I could skip it, if you think that's advisable.
    Also, FWIW re: "clean boot" -- my other 2 rigs (a very similar Win7/x64 Dell DT and a Win7/x86 Dell LT) run the very same security suite (KIS2013) & they took all patches fine. So, I don't think KIS is blocking the install.

    Any thought to disconnecting the older HP printer that is connected via USB?
    It has the latest drivers (Win7-compatible, of course) and it works just fine.
    So it may have no bearing on this whatsoever.
    I just need to be sure it will still work when it is reconnected after the next round of attempted repairs.
    Just a stoopid thought.

    I have been at this all day and am exhausted.

    I need to take a break.
    In the interim, I am sending you via the Transatlantic intertubes a 6-pack of our finest local microbrew.

    I will be back later, probably after bedtime in Wales.

    So, if the first attempt to manually install the first update (2529073) fails, I should stop there, & post back with the error code, right?


      My Computer

  4. Posts : 21,482
    Win 7 x64 Home Premium (and x86 VirtualBox VM)/Win10

    Yep - got it in one (and thanks for the 6-pack!)

    KIS is pretty good - but is also known to occasionally cause trouble for some fairly esoteric reasons.

    Have ANY other AV's EVER been installed on this machine? - if so, which?

    If the install fails in a normal boot, then installing from a Clean Mode boot has been known to work on occasions, if the cause is interfering software.

    I'm reasonably sure that unplugging the printer won't cause problems later - and may be a good idea, since all the problem updates are related to USB drivers. (Hopefully, the Clean Mode boot would also do this - but some divers hook into the system at a very early stage, so you may need to try both)
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 1,102
    OEM Windows 7 Ult (x64) SP1
    Thread Starter

    NoelDP said:
    Yep - got it in one (and thanks for the 6-pack!)
    I hope the brewskis were still cold when they arrived.

    KIS is pretty good - but is also known to occasionally cause trouble for some fairly esoteric reasons.
    Both other Win7 rigs also run KIS2013 -- got these same patches installed without issue.
    Even tried pausing protection for a few minutes during the install today (yes, I am behind a router/NAT firewall), but it didn't help.
    TOTALLY disabling or uninstalling KIS would be a royal PITA.
    Before I embark on the latter, I would probably wait until I am ready to uninstall 2013 before cleanly upgrading to 2014 in a month or so (I am waiting for 2014 to stabilize a bit).

    Have ANY other AV's EVER been installed on this machine? - if so, which?
    Crapafee was OEM when I bought the rig from Dell in Feb 2010.
    A major version upgrade in Aug 2010 borked many, many users' computers (black screen, no boot) b/c of a network driver compatibility problem.
    I was among those afflicted.
    Ended up having to do a factory restore then (over 3 years ago) and promptly, completely (MCPR.exe, etc) removed all traces of McAfee from the system.
    Have been using KIS since then (2011, then 2012 and then 2013, always a clean upgrade).
    Have been running KIS2013 (on all 3 boxes) since December 2012 (have not yet updated any rig to 2014 version).
    SOOOOOOO, a long way of saying I don't think there are any traces of McAfee left KIS (KIS would never have installed or run correctly, if there had been).
    I also run MBAM PRO on all 3 rigs (have done so for > 3 years) without issue; and I had disabled MBAM realtime protection will all of the recent Windows Updates attempts on this box.

    If the install fails in a normal boot, then installing from a Clean Mode boot has been known to work on occasions, if the cause is interfering software.
    Shall I try that for one of the patches, if the manual d/l & install in normal mode doesn't work?
    Or should I just quit when I get the first error message, to avoid messing things up?

    I'm reasonably sure that unplugging the printer won't cause problems later - and may be a good idea, since all the problem updates are related to USB drivers. (Hopefully, the Clean Mode boot would also do this - but some divers hook into the system at a very early stage, so you may need to try both)
    OK, I'll think about it overnight.
    It is the only 1 of the 3 rigs connected to the old HP printer locally via USB (the LT connects wirelessly and the main production desktop uses a different local printer).
    But that might all be a coincidence.
    I'm growing a bit fearful of creating new problems, e.g. failure to recognize it or failure to print to it after disconnecting it to troubleshoot.

    I gather the NATIVE Windows troubleshooter applet is not helpful?
    Or the online MS Windows Update Fixit?

    OK, gotta take a break before I do something dangerous....

    Will be back later or in the AM, weather-permitting.

      My Computer

  6. Posts : 21,482
    Win 7 x64 Home Premium (and x86 VirtualBox VM)/Win10

    McAfee can cause all sorts of strange errors even after uninstall - but the MCPR tool does get most of the residuals out (it may be worth running it again, now that it's been updated, just in case they forgot something at that time)

    In my experience, most of the standard MS Fixits for this sort of error are as much use as a chocolate teapot in a foundry.

    If the first update 2529073 fails in Normal boot, try this...

    Boot to a Clean Boot, and try again (does the error change?)
    if it still fails, go back to Normal Mode, and unplug the printer and try again - does this help?
    If it still fails, try Clean Boot again (with the printer still unplugged)

    note the error message every time - if it changes, we need to know!
    If it still fails, please run through the Windows Update Posting Instructions again, and post the full data set again, and I'll see if I can make any sense out of it - also post the c:\Windows\windowsupdate.log file
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 1,102
    OEM Windows 7 Ult (x64) SP1
    Thread Starter

    Hi, Noel:

    I haven't forgotten.
    Have been offline for work, etc.
    (On my unaffected laptop at the moment.)

    Hope to tackle this later today or tomorrow...


      My Computer

  8. Posts : 26
    Windows 7 Ultimate

    So there we go... searching of these annoying KB(s) and failing to install brought me here.

    Now, not only they failed to install, something else happened during the process and now I get a "failure to configure windows updates" msg when trying the new "windows updates cleanup" option from the disk cleanup wizard.

    The "fixit" apps or wu troubleshooter.. none of these help. It's a new screw up on behalf of microsoft.
      My Computer

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