Windows not Genuine, Validating gives error 0xc004F063 Bios license
Hi, First time poster here. I am just recently having issues with my computer saying windows it not genuine. I found this forum through another thread of a person who had basically the exact same issues as I did here: Windows Genuine and Activation Issue
I too bought this PC originally from best buy or some place, and it came with no windows CD or anything. I went 2 years without formatting, finally I got sick of it and when I installed my new SSD I finally had to do it. The best advice I found was doing the same as OP, downloading the copy of windows from digital rivers and entering in my windows key(which I had lost as well but recovered using one of the software tools).
I installed windows about 4-5 weeks ago, I have rebooted many times since and only in the last day did it start giving me this same windows it not genuine error. Upon trying to validate my key it will error out, and I get the same
the software licensing service reported that the computer BIOS is missing a required license
How can I take this key from the side of my computer case and make windows genuine again? Someone in another post I found said something about a command "wmic bios get serialnumber" and thats the same exact number that comes up thats on the side of my case. Is this the right one, or should I be looking inside the case for ANOTHER key that fits the windows key length? The key off the side of my machine is only about 10 digits and I am un sure of what the poster in the original quote meant when he talked about COA SLP. Any help is much appreciated. I have never before had an issue like this, I would very much like to avoid paying for windows again since I have a key. At the very very worst, if I did buy an entirely new key for $100 or whatever the cost currently is, would it fix it or would I be looking at the same issue with bios as I am now? I have the windows disc I burned the digital divers ISO onto to install windows to my SSD, Would booting up on the CD and repairing or anything work?
This is a quote from this thread I linked above, here that is basically the exact situation I am having but my sticker is not faded.