Factory Windows 7 Service pack 1 but service pack shows in updates?
Just bought new never used factory fresh PC Acer AXC-605-UR29
Windows 7 Service Pack 1 manufacrtured this year,
I checked for latest updates and sure enough Service Pack 1 shows up in updates
Windows 7 Service Pack 1 for x64-based Systems (KB976932)
Download size: 9.1 MB
You may need to restart your computer for this update to take effect.
Update type: Important
Windows 7 Service Pack 1 is a recommended collection of updates and improvements to Windows that are combined into a single installable update. The service pack can help make your computer safer and more reliable. A typical installation will take about 30 minutes to complete, and you will have to restart your computer about halfway through the process.
This is a brand new PC that was loaded with factory Windows 7 SP1 so what is going on here?
Can I simply ignore the update? My only concern is that somehow MS updates will is considering
Windows 7 outdated and that I will receive no more updates since the Service Pack 1 is showing up
in the update section. How the heck is the possible with a factory image. One other thing that might help is that before I could check for any new updates Windows said I required a update to windows update. I
Did this update before finding the lastest updates. Also many updates are post cut off date for Windows 7 SP 0 so it did show updates until December 2014, I guess I will find out it Windows will continue to supply new updates this coming Tuesday...
Should I just send this PC back or try something first to correct the problem.