Windows Update broke MMC (ATI driver?)

  1. Posts : 12,364
    8 Pro x64

    Windows Update broke MMC (ATI driver?)

    I fired up 7 today to be met with no sound. So I tried going into device mangaer. It wouldn't open and gave me a 'failed to create a temporary' something or other. It was a MMC error which goes back to at least Win2K.

    I couldn't close several windows, access device mangaer etc, so not being in the mood to try and fix it, I opted for a restore point. I noticed that the most recent restoe point had a Windows Update Installed beside it (I had forgotten to turn off automatic updating )

    I selected the next restore point where I knew everything was working and everytings back to normal.

    I checked the Updates available and there was one for my Dell Monitor and one for an ATI pre-release driver. I just installed the Dell update and it seems fine. I'm not going to try the ATi driver as i prefer to get drivers from the source and not WU.

    Anyone else (especially with ATI cards) have any WU troubles?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 1,289

    smarteyeball said:

    Anyone else (especially with ATI cards) have any WU troubles?
    None here, You can always uninstall the update if it causes problems...Microsft only released a patch for a serious CIFS flaw for windows 7 thats the only update available minus drivers
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 12,364
    8 Pro x64
    Thread Starter

    Well the system restore fixed the problem and I'm only assuming it was the ATI driver, although I can't say for sure at this stage.

    The only other things i can think of is that :

    A) I installed Adobe Acrobat Reader 9 (which should not have made any difference)

    B) I edited the user32.dll.mui to have customised text, but oddly enough it simply removed the watermark entirely

    C) I have an LCD projector temporarily attached as a 2nd monitor and I hadn't booted 7 with it attached before.

    But none of those things should really have any impact on MMC AFAIK

    Unless it happens again, I'm just going to let it slide
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 1,289

    smarteyeball said:
    Well the system restore fixed the problem and I'm only assuming it was the ATI driver, although I can't say for sure at this stage.

    The only other things i can think of is that :

    A) I installed Adobe Acrobat Reader 9 (which should not have made any difference)

    B) I edited the user32.dll.mui to have customised text, but oddly enough it simply removed the watermark entirely

    C) I have an LCD projector temporarily attached as a 2nd monitor and I hadn't booted 7 with it attached before.

    But none of those things should really have any impact on MMC AFAIK

    Unless it happens again, I'm just going to let it slide

    A) Depending on the version of Adobe you installed it also installs AIR and a few other products...You might want to remove them (including that damm anoying mdnsresponder from services )

    B) Microsoft`s hash algorithms would detect variations of that function so its either enabled and working fine or gets disabled, you cant replace the text

    C) Your ATI card might be causing a conflict with Transient Multimon Manager (TMM) since its detecting the Projector??
      My Computer


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