Windows Update broke MMC (ATI driver?)
I fired up 7 today to be met with no sound. So I tried going into device mangaer. It wouldn't open and gave me a 'failed to create a temporary' something or other. It was a MMC error which goes back to at least Win2K.
I couldn't close several windows, access device mangaer etc, so not being in the mood to try and fix it, I opted for a restore point. I noticed that the most recent restoe point had a Windows Update Installed beside it (I had forgotten to turn off automatic updating )
I selected the next restore point where I knew everything was working and everytings back to normal.
I checked the Updates available and there was one for my Dell Monitor and one for an ATI pre-release driver. I just installed the Dell update and it seems fine. I'm not going to try the ATi driver as i prefer to get drivers from the source and not WU.
Anyone else (especially with ATI cards) have any WU troubles?