What is latest released windows update?
Hello dear windows 7 community.
I have some hardware related problems, I believe. But today I after I acquired new mob, cpu and psu. I started to doubt myself.
Here is a small overview:
OS: Win 7 x64bit freshly installed today for... 3 time(?).
CPU: Q9400
MOB: Asus P5Q Pro Turbo
RAM: 8gb of Kingston DDR2 HyperX PC8500 4GB KITx2
Graphics: XFX 5970 BE
All the latest available drivers and windows updates.
If I have an areo theme activated, launching Bad Company 2 may fail.
If I switch to windows basic and try starting Bad Company 2 it works just fine.
Alas for no reason what so ever when I tried entering uPlay (from ubisoft), I got a bsod regarding atikmpag.sys
So after a lot of google searches and thinking I came up with a theory, what if my problems are related to a windows update?
Since they started not so long ago, it must be one of the recent updates(?), but I have absolutely no clue which one it might be.