BSoD Ultimate 64 - HP TM2
When I got my HP TM2 about a month and a half ago, I did my standard wipe and reinstall on it. I got my drivers back to where(I thought) they were out of the box. All was well... But then the BSoDs began. I couldn't(and still can't) see a pattern in them. Sometimes it'll go days without crashing and then, the next day, it will do it three times in an hour.
After doing some research I thought that it might be a problem with the RAM. After running MemTest flawlessly for around 12 hours straight I'm not sure if this is the case.
I've attached the required files for a post of this type. I'm a geek, but I haven't had time to master BSoD-dumpese. Any insight that you might have would be much appreciated.
Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit Full Retail
HP TM2 1.5 months old