The numbers are creeping upwards again, currently standing at 9104.
Rock on. Seven forums is the new coolest place to be. As if it wasnt already. Booooom now that 7 is official this place is bloooooming and it's sweetness
don't be shy. Feel free to donate to the fine gentleman that help make this forum as great as it is. If SF has helped you or you've got valuable info here lately. Help em out, give a donation to help make it a better place. Today I got on and saw we had almost 6000 active users online. That's tons. Last I was on there was like 300 lol. So ya, every lil bit would help them
I've donated a few times and will be doing so again soon. Anyone wanna feel it and join me?????
Last edited by myzr7; 28 Oct 2009 at 11:15. Reason: Just joking around sorry for the confusion
I think you have been spinning in circles since you got that Guru Badge
Click on image to see it spin !