How big can I make my sig?

  1. Posts : 9,537
    Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit

    How big can I make my sig?

    We need a table for pixel sizes for members who want to display a sig!
    I know the largest size in edit sig there is a Note: The maximum size of your custom image is 650 by 150 pixels or 250.0 KB (whichever is smaller) at the bottom.

    But we don't have a table for new members.
    It would be nice to have for those wanting and making sigs for all members based on their number of posts or badges.
    Thanks for your cooperation.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 51,811
    Windows 11 Workstation x64

    New users - none
    Standard user - 100x650
    Skilled - 100x650
    Power and above - 150x650
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 9,582
    Windows 8.1 Pro RTM x64

    Have you got Standard and Skilled the wrong way round?
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 51,811
    Windows 11 Workstation x64

    No it was a typo.
      My Computers

  5. Posts : 799
    Windows 8 Pro 64-bit

    The sizes bug me, but it does help save space...
    I have dozens of self made sigs that I'm rather proud of, but they're all 600x250.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 2,726
    Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit

    Hiya John

    Thanks for the clarification :)

    Whilst it's cool that you have shown the constraints of the sig sizes I see there is a bit of of a problem.
    If a design is done @ 100 x *** and then once the requirements are met by the member who is now entitled to 150 x *** then it isn't proportionate which means the whole design has to be redone from scratch, some designs are really complicated and are not easy to re-create to fit the dimensions required .... just a heads up

    100 x 433 is proportionate to 650 x 150 whilst 600 x 92 is proportionate to 650 x 100 ... it can get kinda complicated but I think you catch my drift

    Here's a proportionate pixel scale downwards from 650 x 150 ... I can show you other scales if you need them :)
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails How big can I make my sig?-proportionate.png  
    Last edited by PooMan UK; 06 Jan 2011 at 20:06.
      My Computer


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