Logging On - AutoLogonChecked Registry Key
I consider my system to be relatively well-secured, and I am its only user. I am seriously considering the implementation of the Windows' automatic logon feature. I am well-versed in manual registry management. I have modified (added) the required keys/values/data to arm the feature (AutoAdminLogon, DefaultPassword, and DefaultUserName). I temporarily left AutoAdminLogon set to zero until I REALLY decide to 'charge ahead'. Having looked at the Winlogon key and its subkeys, I notice what appears to be a new subkey, namely AutoLogonChecked. I don't think that I need be concerned with DefaultDomainName as I am not part of any domain, just a Workgroup.
To the point: Must the AutoLogonChecked key be modified (set to one), that is, must the (Default) REG_SZ value's data value be set to one (1) to fully enable the feature, namely automatic logon?
As always, please accept my appreciation in advance of any response(s).
--Lairbear (Randy Reist)