Boot Record Fix? Anyone?

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  1. Posts : 154
    Windows 7 Build 7100

    Boot Record Fix? Anyone?

    Hey all,

    Just wanted to humor some of you with a little story and perhaps you will know a resolution. I was using Windows 7 with no errors and everything was great when someone told me I should use 64bit if I have a 64bit processor. Well so i thought it would be good to install WinXP 64bit. To my surprise I should have thought of this WinXP overwrote the boot record again. Now I have no option to boot back to Win7 and WinXP 64bit is creating more problems for programs and drivers I wouldn't ever have imagined.

    So I thought you know i'll do the good ol' system repair from the Win7 repair disk. I remember from Vista I did that before and i did the command "bootrec.exe /mbr" and it prompted back "completed successfully". So you would think that it would rewrite the boot record and you would be able to boot again.

    However that didn't happen!! Any suggestions other then reinstalling Win7??

      My Computer

  2. Posts : 1,027
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64/ Windows Vista Ultimate x64

    You need to do both of these

      My Computer

  3. Posts : 4,282
    Windows 7 Ultimate Vista Ultimate x64

    Use easyBCD and you can recreate your boot record.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 154
    Windows 7 Build 7100
    Thread Starter

    mansrm81 said:
    You need to do both of these


    I'll try that thanks.

    EasyBCD doesn't work right with WinXP 64bit I tried that and it says error initializing application.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 1,027
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64/ Windows Vista Ultimate x64

    You can try this to get the dual boot.

    Dual Boot Vista and XP with Vista already installed - SysChat
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 1,289

    linuzo said:
    I'll try that thanks.

    EasyBCD doesn't work right with WinXP 64bit I tried that and it says error initializing application.
    You can also load the Windows 7 or Vista dvd (depending on what you want repaired) and select Start-up Repair to repair the bootloader

      My Computer

  7. Posts : 2
    Windows Seven 6801 Pre-Beta

    dmex said:
    You can also load the Windows 7 or Vista dvd (depending on what you want repaired) and select Start-up Repair to repair the bootloader

    He actually states he's already done this in his original post.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 308
    xp/vista/win7/win8/10 tech preview

    hi have you tried running vistabootpro in xp 64bit and just add win7 back to the boot menu
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 154
    Windows 7 Build 7100
    Thread Starter

    Actually I fixed it now. Thanks for all your help by providing me results.

    ***THE FIX***

    What I did was I just went to reinstall Windows in the same directory. Then when it did the copying of the image and went to reboot for the install, I noticed it showed me the boot menu to go back to Win7. So what I did was I stopped the installation from that point and I booted Win7. Went to the local disk and deleted the startup files in %Windows_temp folder and then did MSCONFIG selected the Boot tab and removed the setup from the bootmenu.

    Thanks again for all your input.
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 1
    windows 7


    thank you very much friend. İ have the same problem.
      My Computer

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