Export Quicken to Excel 2010

  1. Posts : 327
    Windows 7 Professional X64 Service Pack 1

    Export Quicken to Excel 2010

    When exporting some of the reports generated in Quicken 2010 to Excel 2010, some headers appear with chinese/japanese characters. i.e. http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/4139/chinesetext.jpg. Anybody seen this before??
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 19,383
    Windows 10 Pro x64 ; Xubuntu x64

    Hi Meebers,

    Are you exporting to CSV from Quciken? How does the CSV look if you open it in a text editor?
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 327
    Windows 7 Professional X64 Service Pack 1
    Thread Starter

    Golden said:
    Hi Meebers,

    Are you exporting to CSV from Quciken? How does the CSV look if you open it in a text editor?
    When exporting data from quicken, the choice of "report to excel compatable format" is a tab delimited txt file. This looks normal when viewed in a txt editor. However, when I started the delimiting process in Excel, I noticed that Excel thought it was a "936 chinese simplified (GB2312)" type text. I then selected 20127 US-ASCII as the default and that produced normal results. Have been doing excel for 10 yrs and still learn something everyday. I then generated a simple txt type tab delimited file in notepad, opened that file in Excel and it correctly identified the text as a 437:OEM United States File Origin. Why Excel thinks that Quicken reports are chinese type txt file is a question. (Maybe Quicken is writen by Chinese programers) Tx for giving me a path to find the solution.
    Last edited by meebers; 24 Dec 2010 at 15:59.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 19,383
    Windows 10 Pro x64 ; Xubuntu x64

    Cool. I find this kind of problem often when trying to export to Excel compatible formats with lots of other software. I now always go to CSV/ASCII, and then import that into XLX.

      My Computer


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