Official Seven Forums Overclock Leader boards [2]

  1. Posts : 1,486
    Windows 10 Pro

    Thanks guys, it's the standard Asus one. I heard it overclocks amazing.

    But yea i fried a bunch of CPUs lol
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 6,075
    Windows 7 Professional 64 bit
    Thread Starter

    This one? Graphics Cards - GTX780-DC2OC-3GD5 - ASUS

    Yeah from what I hear they are great cards.
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  3. Posts : 1,486
    Windows 10 Pro

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  4. NoN
    Posts : 4,166
    Windows 7 Professional SP1 - x64 [Non-UEFI Boot]

    N00berG00ber said:
    NoN said:
    paulpicks21 said:
    Glad it went well NoN. Nice job

    Harrie, unless you are having heat issues I would not risk it.

    Noober, you kept that quiet unless I missed you posting about it somewhere when it went wrong?
    Thanks Paul, I'm pretty glad too!!!!:)

    I remember Noober have talk or meant about it in a post a while ago...we'll have to dig it and he was a new forum member at that time. Too bad for him !
    It was a few months ago. I never mentioned it on here. But anywoot, I just bought my 780, so I'll have some new benches up on Friday hopefully!
    Or you started talk about that Core...Good for your new GPU!

    paulpicks21 said:
    N00berG00ber said:
    paulpicks21 said:
    Glad it went well NoN. Nice job

    Harrie, unless you are having heat issues I would not risk it.

    Noober, you kept that quiet unless I missed you posting about it somewhere when it went wrong?
    Yea I never said anything about it cause quite frankly, it was stupid of me. But now I'm just like $+%# it. Lol
    We all do stupid things. Like the time I fried a 3770K by chucking over 1.9V though it. I am sure everyone remembers that pmsl.
    This i remember it of that assumed "Suicide Run"!!

    Dude said:
    Glad it went well Non!

    Congrats on the GPU Noober
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 1,686
    Windows 7 x64 Ultimate and numerous virtual machines

    HarriePateman said:
    Going to be doing some RAM Overclocking later, any tips?
    Yeah Don't unless you have high speed ram with heatsinks otherwise the PC will be unstable.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 1,486
    Windows 10 Pro

    OCing RAM really has no benefits because its already fast enough. also, higher speeds means higher latency
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 3,904
    Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit

    Indianatone said:
    HarriePateman said:
    Going to be doing some RAM Overclocking later, any tips?
    Yeah Don't unless you have high speed ram with heatsinks otherwise the PC will be unstable.
    hyperx Blu 1600mhz? any good?
      My Computer

  8. NoN
    Posts : 4,166
    Windows 7 Professional SP1 - x64 [Non-UEFI Boot]

    HarriePateman said:
    Indianatone said:
    HarriePateman said:
    Going to be doing some RAM Overclocking later, any tips?
    Yeah Don't unless you have high speed ram with heatsinks otherwise the PC will be unstable.
    hyperx Blu 1600mhz? any good?
    With the board H87 you have i can only see a try to raise the Frequency BCLK/PEG from 101MHz to 103MHz. This will boost the overall performances but against the PCI-E slots that might over being powered with higher frequencies. I doubt you could go higher than that 103MHz without the risk of damaging your hardware.

    See here for some infos: Determining Your Maximum BCLK (Base Clock) Frequency
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 3,904
    Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit

    NoN said:
    HarriePateman said:
    Indianatone said:
    Yeah Don't unless you have high speed ram with heatsinks otherwise the PC will be unstable.
    hyperx Blu 1600mhz? any good?
    With the board H87 you have i can only see a try to raise the Frequency BCLK/PEG from 101MHz to 103MHz. This will boost the overall performances but against the PCI-E slots that might over being powered with higher frequencies. I doubt you could go higher than that 103MHz without the risk of damaging your hardware.

    See here for some infos: Determining Your Maximum BCLK (Base Clock) Frequency
    Its not really worth it then
      My Computer

  10. NoN
    Posts : 4,166
    Windows 7 Professional SP1 - x64 [Non-UEFI Boot]

    I did just run a IBT tonight to see what's going on with this freshly delidded Core i5 K...

    I have also redo my thermal paste "in & out" and seems to have gain 2°C on Core #2 and same for the Core #0. This added from the overall 3°C gain ?!?.

    But i do have always that 7°C difference with Core #1 and Core #3.

    Note that i'm actually using a 8,5W/mK non conductive Thermal Paste, which i'll change in a month or so for one 16W/mK nano aluminum.

    I found back a thread i was reading two years ago when i bought my Core and they started talk about the heat issue and delidding: Removed the IHS from an Ivy Bridge i5 3570k , seeing the results the guy posted at that time did not encourage me to do it back then...

    @Harrie P,

    Its not really worth it then
    Let's say 102MHz is the safest to run. I did run for a big while at 103MHz BCLK my previous board H77 without issues (was using this actual unlocked Core "K" too).
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Official Seven Forums Overclock Leader boards [2]-capture.png   Official Seven Forums Overclock Leader boards [2]-capture2.png  
    Last edited by NoN; 17 Sep 2014 at 16:47. Reason: edited
      My Computer


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