Last edited by primet; 09 Oct 2009 at 06:08. Reason: add wei
Last edited by primet; 09 Oct 2009 at 06:08. Reason: add wei
And here is one for Windows 7.
Hello resetez, welcome to Seven Forums!
Fill in your system specs so we can see what hardware you're running.
OK I finally got my new GPU the only thing is now I need a SSD to boost my score off 5.9.
It's attached.
BOO-HOO - WEI only 4.1
Just because I don't have a super-fast gaming graphics system in my laptop (not needed for 99% of stuff I do anyway), all the other scores are dragged way down.
Shame it's not an average of all the scores (ignoring the highest and lowest), rather than just taking the lowest as "it".
Mine would be 5.6 if we did the thing that way... :)
Laptops generally dont get as high a score as regular desktop computers.
All i really need is a processor...