Hello zulrock, welcome to Seven Forums!
I'm blogging with my XP machine. Why no pic.
I just game and learn with the W7 64 bit machine. But on it, my WEI score is 6.9. That is the cpu score as well. SLI'd Graphics 7.1, 7.1, 1366 memory 7.2 and a RAID 0, SSD drive 7.8. Did not want to brag, all other scores seem allful low. Bet I can get that cpu score up with some judicious OC'ing.
Last edited by spyknee; 04 Dec 2009 at 14:12.
I wanted a SSD as well, but they're way too expensive right now. I could never do anything with such a small C drive, hence my 5.9 WEI score.
Hopefully prices come down and storage size goes up!