Having Trouble Running "System File Checker (SFC)"!

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  1. Posts : 25,847
    Windows 10 Pro. 64/ version 1709 Windows 7 Pro/64

    rubyrubyroo could you increase your font size on your post. It would make them a lot easier to read.

    After all the members help and things that have been done and checked make me think that this from my post #30 applies.

    Well your down to a Clean Install unless someone else has some more ideas.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 1,777
    MS Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 64-bit (Family Pack Lic.) Upgrade
    Thread Starter

    ...my sanity is trying to fly away, I do believe....

    Layback Bear said:
    rubyrubyroo could you increase your font size on your post. It would make them a lot easier to read.

    Yes, of course, Layback Bear! I will gladly do my best to comply with any reasonable request made by any of my helpful friends here at SF!

    The explanation for my nagging text-size problem is deeply rooted in just plain old bad habits! It goes something like this: I usually start to type my replies using the SF editor(s) in the associated text-area, and then at some point, since I'm absolutely terrible at spelling, esp. when I'm trying to write quickly from my internal thoughts, I copy the text to MSWord or a similar knock-off to run a spell-check. Then I C/P it all back to the online editor text-area and quickly preview it and hen post it. (The built in spell option has a tendency to cause what I will call "crazy-talk" where it really messes with the text to say the least lately for me anyway!) Anyway, doing it this way I find that it adds a set of [.FONT=Times New Roman][./FONT] (minus the periods of course) that encapsulate every line of text separately. TimesNR is not an available font in the font's window, and thus it reads as an empty/null font name and size when I click on it. It becomes problematic when I try to adjust this (smaller text) from the advanced online reply editor area though. For example, if I set the (empty) text size to four point it places [.SIZE=3][./SIZE] around every line of text AND often breaks quotes up because of where the BB-Code is placed relative to the quote tags, etc. The same goes for “fixing” the font by changing it to, say, "Verdana". It also makes further editing really more difficult because of similar nestled-BB code w/in other BB code..."it starts getting rather deep, as I find myself in brackets up to my knees!"

    I realize that I should be either starting off by typing my answer in Word using the proper font and size to alleviate the problem before it gains any momentum like that, but I just keep forgetting in my haste (even though it probably doesn't qualify as "Hasty" by most anyone else’s standards! I realize I'm just not a very good typist in the speed department either!) Still, you are absolutely right, ease of legibility is as important as spelling, actually more important in most cases, and it's all caused by a bad habit that I could, should and WILL be correcting now that you've drawn my attention to it! Thank you, Layback Bear, for pointing it out, I'll truly make every effort to discontinue this poor habit that I've developed with this font/size issue, fair enough?!

    By the way, I think the numerical sizes available here at SF using the advanced options drop-down selection-box, which includes only two (2) through five (5), must be related to something like HTML "+" or relative size values possibly? I'm not quite sure, but this post should be equivalent to "Verdana, 12-point" which is what I changed it all to using MSWord, just prior to C/P-ing it back and it looks like it’s right in the "preview post" portion of my browser window anyway. If it ends up looking correct, then I'll know for future reference...

    Thanks again for making the suggestion as I'm sure it IS rather annoying for people to constantly read tiny-big-tiny-big-tiny...squinting and everything!

    ((ACTUALLY...SCRATCH THAT!!... ...UPDATE!!!)): This way sucks even worse (on my end for sure)! Look at what I'm trying to fix a few subtle errors in! It's like it's going tag-crazy by trying set the font or size after-the-fact and put them everywhere when were almost none before I tried to fix the problem!
    Having Trouble Running "System File Checker (SFC)"!-capture.jpg
    I realize I can use "replace" and so forth, but that shouldn't have to be something that I'm having to hassle with for most of my posts! And you can see where it messes up the quotations like in the second quote that’s coming-up next from Layback Bear and similar "encapsulated" BB-code tags (like I had to fix the [.CODE][./CODE] at the bottom of the page, which was just part of a joke anyway; but, because a pair of [.FONT] tags started before the first [.CODE] and the “ended” or “closed” before the [./CODE] was encountered, it closed the code and reopened it by inserting a new pair around the closed one in reverse order.... It's clearly, really hard to explain, but it's just a major hassle I can't deal with, or only partially for now! I wish the stupid inline spell check software wasn't about equally as bad in it’s final product! I’ve tried updating that too, but maybe I should uninstall it and try to install it again. I dunno!...I’m really getting irritated now (Sorry!)

    Layback Bear said:
    After all the members help and things that have been done and checked make me think that this from my post #30 applies.
    Layback Bear said:
    Well your down to a Clean Install unless someone else has some more ideas.

    I feel quite obligated to point out that since post #30, which you referenced, a number of considerably intelligent and excellent problem-solving "someone else’s" HAVE actually had many more important ideas to try, and banged their heads together back-and-forth behind-the-scenes as well with other highly competent members of various "specialties". I simply feel that your statement insinuates (albeit unintentionally) that their subsequent work and time-invested has been somewhat insulted and/or diminished to some degree by the way it might come across to some people. I'm not trying to make something out of nothing, here, please understand that, but my respect for these members makes me feel it was necessary to point this out - I'm hoping you understand what I'm saying, and realize that I mean no disrespect to you! I absolutely DO appreciate everything that you've done within this thread (and behind-the-scenes as well)! I would have added that no matter who said it, out of that very respect for everyone that invested their time, including on your behalf! Hopefully that makes some type of sense.

    That said, I do agree that a Clean Install is the way I want to go at this point, with an emphasis on the "CLEAN" part. I hate to have something lingering behind after a fix, unbeknownst to me, that will cause future problems! I will also make the similar point, once again, that I'm a little trepidatiousabout not completely knowing what the source of the whole problem really was with much certainty, since it could reoccur if it's cause is of some particular origins (e.g. an update that is incompatible with some S/W or H/W in my system or something, you know what I mean? I want to know if there's something to avoid on the "NEXT TIME AROUND"!)
    Irregardless of this, I've also just suggested that I'm leaning towards a Clean (Re)Install as recent as a few posts back, too:

    Rubyrubyroo said:
    If you think it's time to "call it" I'll go for a clean install, don't worry! I will need a little bit of help with that though, but I've salvaged all the serial numbers and installation programs I can, so I am willing to cut my S/W losses. If that's your suggestion, I'll elaborate on what I might need some help with, but I'll let you make that call. I'm honestly at peace either way as long as I can pull off the clean install.
    So Now that I have had a day or two to work on the Material that Steve suggested working my way through (Greg’s tutorial) and I have been working on as much as I possibly could with several unrelated interruptions (including a broken home windows pane that I just had a friend fix to TRY to save time, and only then learned that he (really) wanted to “barter” a trade of services rather than cash, having me fix his laptop’s problem - and it HAD TO BE DONE QICKLY OF COURSE! So I've been disassembling that and soldering on a new marginally similar “power socket” to plug in his AC for a DELL Vostro - the usual DELL 19V Weird socket with the center pin and that plastic separator ring part, etc!) And I’m still working on finishing my IV antibiotics “at home” using a weekly home nursing service to bring me supplies and make sure I know what I’m doing and so forth, so there’s that several times a day and plus there’s still the PICC line hanging out of my upper arm (pretty well secured with bandage material, but it’s not exactly a small thing) makes it all the more problematic to do anything like work on a computer easily! My Uncle and Aunt were in a serious car accident a week ago where the airbags didn't deploy (in a new 2015 Ford Explorer) so he broke is neck and my aunt is recovering from more minor cracked ribs and related injuries! So I’m trying to visit him in the Hospital (a one hour commute each way) every day or two! (When it rains, it pours!) But I know you all have many a external things pulling at you as well, but I guess I’m the only whiner right now!

    I certainly don’t mean to suggest anyone should feel obliged in any way to console me or anything like that! I just wan’t you to know that I’m right in the middle of a lot of stuff, apparently (which I've already explained a lot of to John and Steve! Sorry if you have to read this again buddy, assuming you’re still checking-up on this thread from time to time!!) Ergo, I am very slow at times and may seem agitated sometime’s even when I’m not - But, I don’t mean to! I’m also not fishing for Sympathy, I’m sure you all actually do feel for me , which many of you have already expressed in some form or another! My brain is not properly multitasking at the moment...consider it more like a linear program stream at the moment than a multitasking OS!

    I’m sorry for all the ranting off-topic on my (indirectly-related) tangential issues for this whole post now! I am fine, I just wanted you to know that, like most of you probably do too, I've got a lot on my plate, and I’m truly trying, but I’m off my game! I ran a highly stressful computer repair shop for over five years, selling it just a few years back, so I should remember more than I do, and I have most any type of parts and software still (EVERYWHERE and DISORGANIZED at the moment though.) I probably have 100 remaining systems 90% of which are missing something, usually the HDD! Some are pretty old some much newer than the current system I’m working on- which is my personal main system. I just ran across a fully functional 386SX (i.e. no CPU coprocessor) system the other day! It’s an amazing sight to see! And to imagine that it’s so much more advanced that the single-board Commodore 64 - several of which (five I think) were onboard Apollo-11, did you know?! (or the older still, (Commodore) VIC-20, on which I first learned to program before moving up to the Apple II e/c and Amiga 128!) So I’m not a stranger to a wide-range of computers in any way. I rarely ask for help (probably far less often then I actually should), but this IS one time that I have done so. I find it quite difficult to do, strangely enough, I’m not used to being on this end I guess, and I am used to working alone, so I’m not great at communicating in a manner consistent with my actual skill-level! Furthermore, I've distanced myself in the past few years as much as possible from repairs - AND the newest technologies! Maybe that fills in some more of my story so you get where I’m coming from a little bit better (assuming you’re interested.) If not you could have easily skipped reading that part, so you should be none the worse for wear!

    Just in case you do have a Commodore sitting around, Here’s my offering to you:

    10 REM ** My Gift To You **
    15 PRINT "Thanks for bearing with me! "
    20 GOTO 15

    Enjoy! LOL!

    So, with all that stuff out of the way and my decision pretty much made up, I’ll follow this up with my questions and thoughts regarding that part, which is also my “proper” reply to Steve...(Technically)....
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 1,777
    MS Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 64-bit (Family Pack Lic.) Upgrade
    Thread Starter

    To Steve, and anyone else that cares to join in, I have followed much of Greg’s ideas (many for the second time now, like you said. I’m not making progress and I’m ready to change this from a “rescue” mission to a “recovery” one! I have sufficient product ID’s and installation programs for most of my important software now, and am willing to drop any of those that I could not for now (I’ll have backups that will allow me to search further later. As Layback Bear has suggested, I should just do a CLEAN INSTALL/REINSTALL. I am ready. It’s time to put the old dog down, metaphorically of course!

    I won’t waste you, anyone else, or my own time going over what I did, unless you happen to have a specific question, I’m always willing to answer whatever... The details just seem to be largely unproductive to explain if I’m going to take THIS direction. And you were right that I've been through most of it before, although I did try to repeat most of it in the order he layed it out - for whatever reason...

    Now Let me explain my questions/concerns about the Clean (Re)Install.

    First, is the problem that I do not have the Product Key. I found an old speccy “print-out” from 2012 that lists the Product ID. Is there any way for me to retrieve the Product Key that you’re aware of?

    Second, I have always used “UPDATE” versions of the DVD/CD to install Windows 7 (in a fully legal manner in accordance with MS’s EULA, of course.) And this system is no exception. This changes the process a little bit, but should not be a issue really in of itself.

    Third, It is the RETAIL (non-OEM) version of Windows 7 that was used to install it initially. I don’t know if I used the actual “Home Premium” version or more likely the Family-Pack (3-license) “Home Premium” version when I installed it initially. I have both DVD’s in the proper (64-bit) format. I know when I install what I’ll call HP for just the plain Home Premium Upgrade of Windows 7, I can always use the Product Key located IN the retail box (on the sticker that I neglected to use for MY personal system), I have no problems activating it and so forth. When I use the Family-Pack, (which I suspect is what used in this case @ 1/3 the price!) it has ALWAYS required me to call MS to complete the installation/activation process. I actually have the number written down in every Family-pack box I can find, and there are MANY! (1-800-936-5700: M-F 5am-9pm PST, S-S 6am-3pm PST) I actually don’t remember how it works exactly, since there is a single Prod-Key with each Family-pack. Do you know/remember anything about this part wich might prove to be a little bit more of a road-bump?

    So I’m thinking about doing a Clean Install Using an Upgrade Windows 7 Version and I’m wondering if option four (4) might be the best choice to use in my case. Of course, this is all predicated on me having/getting my Product Key somehow first.

    Can I retrieve this somehow (Windows 7 Product Key)?

    BTW: I wrote a quick script that cleans up the text for me quite easily and thoroughly, however I have to manually enter in each exception, like so far I have it keep the URL, QUOTE, and SMILILES integrity intact, but really cleans out everything else nicely. I'll have to add the other BB-code type items as I get to them...I'm just coding it according to a "need-to-use" timeline! (which is related to "need-to-know" security I guess, in case that was unclear! Since I did just make it up, too!) But it seems to be working nicely!
      My Computer

  4.   My Computer

  5. Posts : 25,847
    Windows 10 Pro. 64/ version 1709 Windows 7 Pro/64

    I'm not sure what post #82 is all about but I do thank you for the Font change and my eyes thank you.

    Steve, Noel, John and Rick and others know me well enough to know that in post #81 I was not degrading other members contribution to your thread. Exactly the opposite.

    What I was trying to say was: Even after my request for other members to join in and help and all the many suggestion given by these members you are still down to a Clean Install in my opinion. It is not intended that anybody else suggestion were not worthy of you trying them.

    My asking for help was done to make sure to the best of my ability that many eyes would look a your problem. Many times when help is asked for as I did other members knowledge and suggestions get the troubled computer repaired. I want to make sure with your problem no stones were left unturned.

    I respect other members suggestions and recommendations, that is why I requested them to come and take a look at your thread and troubled computer.

    We work as a team on this forum when necessary and through time in my opinion team work has solved many problems.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 1,777
    MS Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 64-bit (Family Pack Lic.) Upgrade
    Thread Starter

    I entirely understand, Layback Bear, or Jack if I may call you that. :) As I mentioned I just "felt quite obligated to say something" since I would feel that not doing so would be like "turning away" in a sense (even though I was quite sure you didn't mean it in any other way). I have a high internal-standard for my moral compass, and just w/don't stand idly-by when I feel that people are unfairly being dishonored/disrespected or shown less than appropriate courtesy, even if just as an oversight made by someone when they have gone to such extremes. I know it's not easy to fullly understand, because the word sometimes associated with it is often said to be dead (or NOT dead when used sarcastically) and few people go to such lengths to point out such a seemingly trivial point. But some visible and other less universally known people have contributed in so many ways with all but nothing to be gained (from most peoples perspective anyway). So maybe I mentioned it in part or my conscience,or maybe in part to let them know how deeply appreciative I am of their time, or whatever... Your trailing line in your "sig" tells me that you are interested in cooperation, and while you probably don't remember me, I know you in passing from several years back, and I know you are good people. The sort of it is that the post could easily come across (i.e. indirectly implying) as someone saying that they could have told me THAT (which includes anyone that has helped me since then too) a long time ago, and DID so in post #30! I knew John, Noel and you, Jack (in passing) from 3-5 years ago (somehow I never remember meeting Steve - but, It's clearly MY loss!) and I know you're all still around because you care about helping, and none of you have been banned so your not all that bad in the bedside manners department either!
    I know you all have gone beyond my post itself to get help, advocating for my best interests, I've seen it physically on public message posts between other members, from other members I've spoken to via PM that mentioned it, and just by who has cohabited this thread with other members at noticeably specific periods relativeto their skillsets! I am quite observant!
    No harm was intended, and I hope none was taken, Jack, or anyone else. While SF has shrunken over the years, since I was here last (~3 years ago) and become less active to some degree, It's sill he oe f any type (not just computer related by any means) that is so generally friendly and involved in teamwork that has naturally fallen into place like e free market system or Life's evolution with it's many niches! I very honestly refer people here for that very reason all of the time!
    So I saw something that I thought I should point out and it was, like I expected, nothing! Everyone should be and hopefully is happy...with the exception of me and my PC! J/K....well, actually I'm not completely kidding!

    Okay, and John, I’ll get back to YOU in a few “MOMENTS” (how many moments in a minute now, I forget?! ) IOW, I’m not ignoring you by any stretch of the imagination, quite the contrary actually,...I need sufficient time to get back to you properly, K?!

    So, I'm going to try Steve's suggestion for the Win7-P-KEY retrieval S/W, I'm reading through the info right now. If I can get that part out of the way, home will actually be within sight, or so I do believe!...

    Thanks all!
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 26,892
    Windows 11 Pro

    rubyrubyroo, you stated you have a Speccy report. I believe you may have your OS key in that report.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 25,847
    Windows 10 Pro. 64/ version 1709 Windows 7 Pro/64

    You are correct Steve the OEM/Builder COA key should be in the Speccy report.
    I don't have anything but OEM/Builders but I think Speccy will show on all Windows 7's but maybe not.

    Having Trouble Running "System File Checker (SFC)"!-speccy.jpg
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 1,777
    MS Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 64-bit (Family Pack Lic.) Upgrade
    Thread Starter

    Thank you Master Steve, the wise-one! Part of a wise-team, of course!

    Well... “Produkey.exe” and any “trustable” software I could locate online or in my archived as programs/apps (anywhere and everywhere) can’t retrieve the Product Key! ProduKey.exe just barked back at me with the action can’t be carried out since the system volume is corrupt (once again). Sometimes, I could execute it through the quasi-Windows 7 OS (WinRE) environment (by typing “notepad.exe.”at the command prompt”, then opening the directory structure (via “open file) and locating the the flash drive (J:\) containing the file Produkey.exe on it then (SHFT)+Rt-Click on the file, and selecting “open as admin” I could get the GUI to open and seemed like I was making headway! It couldn’t find any Product ID’s/Keys/SNs/etc... It really only looked nicer! I know, who cares!

    I learned some interesting ways to use “PowerShell” to write a pretty simple script that would work to retrieve a Product Key,.....assuming I could get into Windows, of course! I was trying to mimic the aforementioned script using something more primitive language-wise, even a batch file at one point. It just relies on too many.NET resources that I would have to practically write from scratch, plus things that are necessarily integrated into the Windows OS to get the whole thing to work correctly!! All a huge (seemingly) worthless mess! “Seemingly”, because each step got me (or you / us) one step closer to the right direction inn the end...Ergo, it has value!

    So I grabbed the backup registries whilst I was on the computer and saved them to a flash drive (turns out they were “last altered” in 2011”!!! Wow, that’s pretty near time, t=0, for this system!! I’ll just put them aside for a minute to read what you guys have posted since I was last online/awake/home last....

    ......oh really...the “Serial Number” is the same thing as the “Product Key”! Yes, I do have the so called “SERIAL NUMBER” from AT LEAST a Speccy report dated “10-28-2011”. YEP, five (5) groups of five (5) alphanumeric-digits, separated by four dashes, sure enough looks like the Product-Key to me!

    Here I was thinking the S/N was the Product ID or something, and sure enough it was right there all along!! I’m really having a hard time realizing that I almost missed that one, BRILLIANT SAVE STEVE , and everyone for that matter! Nice connecting-up all of the seemingly random pieces into my most sought after object. The only things I should lose now are a few minor programs here and there that I probably don’t even need, the rest I have either before or have now found all the codes and IDs they will need unless they just try to say the S/W is outdated or something! But I can do a clean “UPGRADE” install now I think!

    Funny how it was a “typed report” from Speccy I happened to save when I set up the system, PLANNING ON adding all such reports and appropriate materials (even back-up DVDs during my most ambitious moments) to the binder, slowly, over time.....all these years later...one (1) faded Speccy report remains in the binder one shelf up from the computer area! One solitary hero, ....unwaning ...unwavering!

    The “installation date” for the Win7 Home Prem 64-bit SP1 was 10-18-2011, 12:00 (so, I was pretty close with it being a 5-years old system - off by one year- and this is the first actual problem I've ever had with it, so, that’s pretty good! It’s been one of those “Set it and Forget it” type of systems! At least up until 09/20/2015 anyway!

    I’m going to try to do the “UPGRADE” clean install >> Option Four, from the previous post’s link(s). Anyone foresee any problems (it’s going to be installed directly onto a brand new WD 1TB HDD

    The fact that the PRODUCT KEY doesn't MATCH any keys from any otherwise identical DVD’s that I have here to install it from doesn’t make any difference , or does it? It came from a “family pack (3-licenses)” DVD (retail) (upgrade) version of Windows 7 64-bit Home Premium (which I now know had SP1 installed at that time, too, thanks to Speccy! But The “family packs” come with a single Product KEY and in my experience you always have to call them up to be given a specific “activation code” from your boxed "product key" during the set-up process. I’m hoping it will not cause a problem when I try to deselect the check-box “Automatically Activate Windows Online” (both times - in option four at least!)

    Any thoughts before I take a stab at the whole thing and report back the details (I’ll never leave anyone hanging...for too long anyway!) What’da’chou’ think? Any final comments before I do it?!

      My Computer

  10. Posts : 26,892
    Windows 11 Pro

    I believe you are going to have to do a clean install not an upgrade. You could do the upgrade if you could boot your system.
      My Computer

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