IPOD shuffle

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  1. Posts : 1
    Windows 7

    There is a working solution for iTunes 8.2 x64 in combination with Windows 7 x64 and the iPod Shuffle. You will only have to follow the described steps a SINGLE time. Once you did that, you'll be able to use iTunes again the way you were used to with Vista/XP/etc.

    * Disconnect your iPod Shuffle from your PC
    * Press CTRL-ALT-DEL, start the Task-Manager, go to Processes and kick out "ITunesHelper.exe" (this will prevent iTunes from starting when you re-connect the Shuffle)
    * Now, re-connect the iPod Shuffle - iTunes should NOT start by itself and you should be able to see your Shuffle within the list of your drives (My Computer)
    * Next, download SharePod from SharePod - Download extract the .zip file and start the Sharepod.exe
    * If everything works out, Sharepod will recognize your iPod Shuffle

    The tricky part:
    * Sharpod won't start if iTunes is open but it will work vice-versa. So, start iTunes NOW and keep Sharepod OPEN.
    * iTunes will re-detect your Shuffle but it will still be available as a hard-drive afterwards as long as you keep Sharepod OPEN.
    * Now go to your iPod Summary in iTunes and DESELECT iTunes autostart, SELECT hard-drive usage and ACCEPT those changes.
    * If you want, you can copy and/or delete some music on your Shuffle.
    * When you're done, close iTunes WITHOUT ejecting the iPod.
    * Close Sharepod next and simply disconnect your iPod Shuffle.

    After the next reboot (ITunesHelper.exe will be running again) you don't have to care about Sharepod or processes anymore. Simply connect your iPod to the PC, open up iTunes and everything should work as planned. Just don't eject the iPod from within iTunes, simply disconnecting it from the PC will be handled by Windows 7 automatically.

    Hope i could help!
    Cheers from Austria :)
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 1
    Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit

    Thank you pazazzo. This works nicely. I have no idea how you figured it out, but I'm glad that you did and that you shared the techniques with us.

    On top of that, Sharepod is a nice little find for pulling data off of an iPod, so this is a double win for me.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 2
    Windows 7 x64 bit

    thank you much for this one. i was looking every for a way to fix this. also in case others forget like me you must remember to go into the different tabs when your ipod is displayed in itunes and tell it to sync with music, movies, etc. i kept forgetting this and it caused unnecessary problems. lol.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 29

    does it work know with the rtm build?
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 1
    Windows 7 Ultimate (7600)

    Yeah it does.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 1
    windows 8 64 bit

    This solution works with Windows 8 and a classic IPOD. I had just bought a new Toshiba Satellite with windows 8 and was so frustrated that I couldn't sync. No one knew the answer. And Google couldn't find the problem. Yahoo did...with this solution. (Best Buy couldn't answer it either). I am so grateful!!!
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 1
    Windows 10 64 bit

    IPod Shuffle

    Thank you so much, pazazzo. I talked with an Apple technician for over an hour and could not fix this problem. I am using Windows 10 and a Nano 6th Generation. I used your solution, even though I was using a different OS and iPod, and it worked beautifully. I was feeling so much frustration, as I had tried so many solutions, first the ones given to me by the technician, then others I tried on my own. Thank you, Austria!
      My Computer

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