FREE Great Programs for Windows 7

  1. Posts : 8,679
    Windows 10 Pro x64

    The Unofficial said:
    Did Evernote get picked up again? I thought they went extinct...
    Evernote is up. :)
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 112
    Windows 7 Professional 64-bit


    hmm cool, I'm gonna have to check it out again...
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 1,403
    Win 7 Ultimate 32bit

    FYI: Eset SysInspector

    Just a friendly warning to anyone thinking of using this to help diag someones PC through forums.

    It is a good tool to have for self diagnosing systems and seeing everything that is going on.
    By no means is this a put down on the app itself. It can come in quite handy and one that I had forgotten about, to some extent.

    It is HIGHLY Advisable that you do not post any logs from this application on the internet.

    It can and most likely will reveal what applications are listening on what IP addresses and which ports are open.
    Everything that a good net/port scanner will do.
    As long as you are behind a decent firewall/router, your system should not produce this information to potential hackers.

    Among other sensitive information.

    Just something I personally would be cautious about.

    Using the tool as a diagnostics is fine, just don't publish your logs on line.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 8,375
    W7 Ultimate x64/W10 Pro x64/W11 Pro Triple Boot - Main PC W7 Remote PC Micro ATX W7 Pro x64/W11 Pro

    That's definitely good to know there. Tepid I've seen other free system info programs that will also tend to reveal personal as well as product information you don't want out on the web.
      My Computers

  5. Posts : 17,796
    Windows 10, Home Clean Install

    In case your lappy is stolen; this will help you find it
    Open source anti-theft solution for Mac, PCs & Phones – Prey
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 1,251
    Windows 7 x64 Home Premium

    nitroman84 said:
    I just stumbled across a good free graphics editing program Chasys Draw IES.

    Really like it so far.
    This is very chatty software!


      My Computer

  7. Posts : 3,612
    Operating System : Windows 7 Home Premium Edition 6.01.7600 SP1 (x64)

    hi all hope this is ok posting here
    found this program today called Special Folders Manager 2(save me)

    Description: Special Folders Manager 2 is your ultimate manager of Wondows special folders. Some of Windows special folders contain user's data and therefore it is important user to decide where to place its files. For now Save Me 2 lists, redirects, copy and restores folders that can be redirected. List of folders that can be moved includes folders like - My Documents, Desktop, Contacts, Downloads, Saved Games, My Pictures, Favorites, Links and so on
    FROM addictivetips
    Windows special folders must be backed up before installing a fresh copy of Windows on the system, as they may contain important files, saved preferences, application logs, game saves, music libraries, and many other types of items which you can’t afford to lose at any cost. These folders are generally referred to as folders which are created and managed by Windows, including, My Documents, My Music, My Videos, Common Files, Music Library, Games, Common Startup Menu, My Music, ProgramData and many others. Backing up these folders manually is quite a hectic task, as one has to locate them and then manually move them. Special Folders Manager is a backup utility which capitalizes solely on backing up and restoring Windows special folders.

    With this application, you wont have to search for special folders, just launch it, specify folders which you want to move, and start the backup process. It will backup all the folders in one go, saving you a lot of precious time and effort. Apart from creating backup, it allows you to instantly restore backed up special folders to their original locations, so freshly installed Windows can detect and fetch contained data automatically. more from this link >>> Backup Windows 7 Special Folders And Restore On Fresh Windows Installation
    WEBSITE >>> NEZAVISIM.COM - software, tips, consulting services and business optimization

    DOWNLOAD >>>
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails FREE Great Programs for Windows 7-brys-snap-14-march-2011-16h58m27s.png  
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 8,679
    Windows 10 Pro x64

    This tool was posted by Corrine in one thread here on SF,but I didn't find it here,so I'll post it.

    TFC - Temp File Cleaner by OldTimer

    TFC (Temp File Cleaner) will clear out all temp folders for all user accounts (temp, IE temp, java, FF, Opera, Chrome, Safari), including Administrator, All Users, LocalService, NetworkService, and any other accounts in the user folder. It also cleans out the %systemroot%\temp folder and checks for .tmp files in the %systemdrive% root folder, %systemroot%, and the system32 folder (both 32bit and 64bit on 64bit OSs). It shows the amount removed for each location found (in bytes) and the total removed (in MB). Before running it will stop Explorer and all other running apps. When finished, if a reboot is required the user must reboot to finish clearing any in-use temp files.

    TFC only cleans temp folders. TFC will not clean URL history, prefetch, or cookies. Depending on how often someone cleans their temp folders, their system hardware, and how many accounts are present, it can take anywhere from a few seconds to a minute or more. TFC will completely clear all temp files where other temp file cleaners may fail. TFC requires a reboot immediately after running. Be sure to save any unsaved work before running TFC.

      My Computer

  9. Posts : 3,612
    Operating System : Windows 7 Home Premium Edition 6.01.7600 SP1 (x64)

    StalkeR said:
    This tool was posted by Corrine in one thread here on SF,but I didn't find it here,so I'll post it.

    TFC - Temp File Cleaner by OldTimer

    TFC (Temp File Cleaner) will clear out all temp folders for all user accounts (temp, IE temp, java, FF, Opera, Chrome, Safari), including Administrator, All Users, LocalService, NetworkService, and any other accounts in the user folder. It also cleans out the %systemroot%\temp folder and checks for .tmp files in the %systemdrive% root folder, %systemroot%, and the system32 folder (both 32bit and 64bit on 64bit OSs). It shows the amount removed for each location found (in bytes) and the total removed (in MB). Before running it will stop Explorer and all other running apps. When finished, if a reboot is required the user must reboot to finish clearing any in-use temp files.

    TFC only cleans temp folders. TFC will not clean URL history, prefetch, or cookies. Depending on how often someone cleans their temp folders, their system hardware, and how many accounts are present, it can take anywhere from a few seconds to a minute or more. TFC will completely clear all temp files where other temp file cleaners may fail. TFC requires a reboot immediately after running. Be sure to save any unsaved work before running TFC.

    looks ok i may give it a try i use Auslogics Disk Defrag ( Download Auslogics Disk Defrag for free and it has a optional function to clear temp files before it defrags.
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 385
    Windows 7 Home Premium x64 OEM --> RTM clean install

    brianzion said:
    hi all hope this is ok posting here
    found this program today called Special Folders Manager 2(save me)

    Description: Special Folders Manager 2 is your ultimate manager of Wondows special folders. Some of Windows special folders contain user's data and therefore it is important user to decide where to place its files. For now Save Me 2 lists, redirects, copy and restores folders that can be redirected. List of folders that can be moved includes folders like - My Documents, Desktop, Contacts, Downloads, Saved Games, My Pictures, Favorites, Links and so on
    FROM addictivetips
    Windows special folders must be backed up before installing a fresh copy of Windows on the system, as they may contain important files, saved preferences, application logs, game saves, music libraries, and many other types of items which you can’t afford to lose at any cost. These folders are generally referred to as folders which are created and managed by Windows, including, My Documents, My Music, My Videos, Common Files, Music Library, Games, Common Startup Menu, My Music, ProgramData and many others. Backing up these folders manually is quite a hectic task, as one has to locate them and then manually move them. Special Folders Manager is a backup utility which capitalizes solely on backing up and restoring Windows special folders.

    With this application, you wont have to search for special folders, just launch it, specify folders which you want to move, and start the backup process. It will backup all the folders in one go, saving you a lot of precious time and effort. Apart from creating backup, it allows you to instantly restore backed up special folders to their original locations, so freshly installed Windows can detect and fetch contained data automatically. more from this link >>> Backup Windows 7 Special Folders And Restore On Fresh Windows Installation
    WEBSITE >>> NEZAVISIM.COM - software, tips, consulting services and business optimization

    DOWNLOAD >>>
    Always weary about installing software when the English has mistakes in it...
      My Computer


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