Driver Verifier - Enable and Disable

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    Driver Verifier - Enable and Disable

    Driver Verifier - Enable and Disable

    How to Enable or Disable Driver Verifier in Windows 7
    Published by
    Designer Media Ltd

    How to Enable or Disable Driver Verifier in Windows 7


    Driver Verifier runs in the background, "testing" drivers for bugs. If it finds one, a Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) will result; the corresponding dump file will hopefully show the faulty driver.


    To Enable Driver Verifier

    1. Start typing verifier.exe into the start menu, and open Verifier.

    Driver Verifier - Enable and Disable-snip1.png

    2. Select "Create custom settings (for code developers)", and hit Next.

    Driver Verifier - Enable and Disable-snip2.png

    3. Make sure Standard settings, Force pending I/O requests, and IRP Logging are selected, and hit Next.

    Driver Verifier - Enable and Disable-snip3.png

    4. Select "Select driver names From a list", and hit Next.

    Driver Verifier - Enable and Disable-snip4.png

    5. Click on "Provider" at the top to sort the list by manufacturer; select all drivers not provided by Microsoft Corporation.
    Driver Verifier - Enable and Disable-snip5.png

    6. Press Next, and OK to the resulting window.

    Driver Verifier - Enable and Disable-snip6.png

    After a reboot, driver verifier should be enabled. Use your computer as you normally would, although expect frequent BSODs if there are driver issues. If the system doesn't crash after 24 hours, disable driver verifier.


    To Disable Driver Verifier

    1. Start typing verifier.exe into the start menu, and open Verifier.

    Driver Verifier - Enable and Disable-snip1.png

    2. Select "Delete existing settings"
    Driver Verifier - Enable and Disable-snip7.png
    If you cannot get into Windows to turn off Verifier, try using Safe Mode.

  1. Posts : 712
    Windows 7 x64, Windows XP SP3, Fedora

    Nicely written!
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 11,990
    Windows 7 Ultimate 32 bit

    Very well done, Jonathan. Good clear instructions with illustrations.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 11,408

    Nice one, JK.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 17,322
    Win 10 Pro x64

    Good one JK, I didn't know that was there.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 13,354
    Windows 7 Professional x64
    Thread Starter

    Thanks guys. :)
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 301
    7 Ultimate x64 SP1

    This didn't work for me. I applied all settings as described, it said I needed to restart so I told it "OK" and nothing happened. I manually restarted, and it just booted up normally without any special screen or status report for the verification... I'm having BSODs though so that could be it.

    What should I do to try and force this to work?
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 13,354
    Windows 7 Professional x64
    Thread Starter

    EvilOzzmess said:
    This didn't work for me. I applied all settings as described, it said I needed to restart so I told it "OK" and nothing happened. I manually restarted, and it just booted up normally without any special screen or status report for the verification... I'm having BSODs though so that could be it.

    What should I do to try and force this to work?
    It's probably working, it just doesn't show anything.

    Open a command prompt and enter verifier /query.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 14
    Windows 7 Professional

    HI JK! UMMM should i verify this drivers too? )= kinda need some help here x.x
    Driver Verifier - Enable and Disable Attached Files
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 13,354
    Windows 7 Professional x64
    Thread Starter

    Yep, you want everything that doesn't say Microsoft, Unknown, or Macrovision.
      My Computer

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