Shut Down Computer - Allow or Prevent Users and Groups

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    Shut Down Computer - Allow or Prevent Users and Groups

    Shut Down Computer - Allow or Prevent Users and Groups

    How to Allow or Prevent Users and Groups to Hibernate, Restart, Shut Down, and Sleep the PC
    Published by
    Designer Media Ltd

    How to Allow or Prevent Users and Groups to Hibernate, Restart, Shut Down, and Sleep the PC

    This will show you how to allow or prevent specific users and groups from being able to Shut Down, Restart, Sleep, and Hibernate the computer in Vista, Windows 7, and Windows 8.

    You will need to be logged in as administrator to be able to do this tutorial.

    Default Users and Groups Allowed to Shut Down the Computer
    NOTE: This security setting determines which users who are logged on locally to the computer can shut down the operating system using the Shut Down command.

    On a Local Computer or Workstation (ex: home computer): Administrators, Backup Operators, Users

    On a Server: Administrators, Backup Operators

    On Domain: Administrators, Backup Operators, Server Operators, Print Operators

    EXAMPLE: Shut Down Set to be Prevented
    Shut Down Computer - Allow or Prevent Users and Groups-start_menu.jpgShut Down Computer - Allow or Prevent Users and Groups-start_menu_power-button-options.jpg
    Shut Down Computer - Allow or Prevent Users and Groups-windows_8_power_menu.jpg


    Through Local Security Policy

    1. Open the Local Security Policy window, expand Local Policies in the left pane, and select User Rights Assignment. (see screenshot below)
    Shut Down Computer - Allow or Prevent Users and Groups-step-1.jpg
    2. In the right pane of User Rights Assignment, double click on Shut down the system. (see screenshot above)

    3. To Prevent Users or Groups to be able to Shut Down the Computer
    A) Select (highlight) listed user(s) and/or group(s) that you do not want to be allowed to shut down the computer anymore, then click on the Remove button. (see screenshot below)
    NOTE: You can press and hold the CTRL key to select more than one listed user and group.
    Shut Down Computer - Allow or Prevent Users and Groups-remove-1.jpg
    To Only Prevent Specific Users
    • To only prevent specific "standard users", you will also need to remove the Users group in addition to step 3A, then only add each standard user account name in step 4 that you want to be able to shut down the computer.
    • To only prevent specific "administrators", you will also need to remove the Administrators group in addition to step 3A first, then only add each administrator user account name in step 4 that you want to be able to shut down the computer.

    B) Click on Apply. (see screenshot below)
    Shut Down Computer - Allow or Prevent Users and Groups-step-2.jpg
    4. To Allow Users or Groups to be able to Shut Down the Computer
    A) Click on the Add User or Group button. (see screenshot above)

    B) To Change the Location to Search for "Object Types"

    NOTE: This is only if you wanted to search for object types to allow from a location other than your local computer. If you only want to search from your computer, then skip this step and go to step 4C.
    • Click on the Locations button. (see screenshot below step 4C)
    • Select a location, and click on OK. (see screenshot below)

    Shut Down Computer - Allow or Prevent Users and Groups-location-1.jpg
    C) Click on the Advanced button. (see screenshot below)
    Shut Down Computer - Allow or Prevent Users and Groups-add-1.jpg
    D) Click on the Object Types button. (see screenshot below)
    Shut Down Computer - Allow or Prevent Users and Groups-add-2.jpg
    E) Check all boxes or the "object types" (ex: Users or Groups) that you want to find and select from in step 4G, and click on OK. (see screenshot below)
    Shut Down Computer - Allow or Prevent Users and Groups-add-3.jpg
    F) Click on the Find Now button. (see screenshot below)
    Shut Down Computer - Allow or Prevent Users and Groups-add-4.jpg
    G) In the bottom pane under Search results, select the user account name(s) and/or groups that you want to be allowed to shut down the computer, then click on OK. (see screenshot below)
    NOTE: You can press and hold the CTRL key to select more than one listed users (user account names) or group.
    Shut Down Computer - Allow or Prevent Users and Groups-add-5.jpg

    To Only Allow Specific Users
    • To only allow specific "standard users", you will need to remove the Users group in step 3 first, then add each standard user account name that you want to be able to shut down the computer.
    • To only allow specific "administrators", you will need to remove the Administrators group in step 3 first, then add each administrator user account name that you want to be able to shut down the computer.
    H) Click on OK. (see screenshot below)
    Shut Down Computer - Allow or Prevent Users and Groups-add-6.jpg
    I) Click on Apply. (see screenshot below)
    Shut Down Computer - Allow or Prevent Users and Groups-add-7.jpg
    5. When finished, click on OK. (see screenshots below steps 3B and 4I)

    6. Close the Local Security Policy window. (see screenshot below step 1)

    7. Sometimes you may need to log off and on, or restart the computer to apply.


    Using "ntrights.exe" and an Elevated Command Prompt

    NOTE: Be sure to write down changes you make to the user rights assignment so that you will know what you changed later. Please see the NOTE box at the top of the tutorial for the default user rights assignments.
    1. If you have not already, click/tap on the Download button below to download the file originally from within the Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit Tools.


    A) Save the file to your desktop.

    B) Unblock the file.

    C) Open the file, and extract (drag and drop) the ntrights.exe file to your desktop.

    D) Right click on the ntrights.exe file, and click on Move.

    E) Open Windows Explorer and navigate to and open the C:\Windows\System32 folder, then Paste the ntrights.exe file to move it here.

    F) If prompted, click/tap on Continue and Yes to approve moving the ntrights.exe file into the System32 folder, then close the Windows Explorer window.
    2. Open an elevated command prompt (Run as administrator).

    3. To Prevent Users or Groups to be able to Shut Down the Computer
    A) In the elevated command prompt type in the command below and press enter. (see screenshot below)
    NOTE: Substitute User or Group in the command below with the actual user account name (ex: Users) or group name within quotes that you want to prevent.
    ntrights -U "User or Group" -R SeShutdownPrivilege

    Shut Down Computer - Allow or Prevent Users and Groups-cmd-remove.jpg

    To Only Prevent Specific Users
    • To only prevent specific "standard users", you will also need to remove the Users group in addition to step 3A, then only add each standard user account name in step 4A that you want to be able to shut down the computer.
    • To only prevent specific "administrators", you will also need to remove the Administrators group in addition to step 3A first, then only add each administrator user account name in step 4A that you want to be able to shut down the computer.
    4. To Allow Users or Groups to be able to Shut Down the Computer
    A) In the elevated command prompt type in the command below and press enter. (see screenshot below)
    NOTE: Substitute User or Group in the command below with the actual user account name (ex: Users) or group name within quotes that you want to allow.
    ntrights -U "User or Group" +R SeShutdownPrivilege

    Shut Down Computer - Allow or Prevent Users and Groups-cmd-add.jpg

    To Only Allow Specific Users
    • To only allow specific "standard users", you will need to remove the Users group in step 3A first, then add each standard user account name that you want to be able to shut down the computer.
    • To only allow specific "administrators", you will need to remove the Administrators group in step 3A first, then add each administrator user account name that you want to be able to shut down the computer.
    5. When finished, close the elevated command prompt.

    6. Sometimes you may need to log off and on, or restart the computer to apply.
    That's it,

  1. Posts : 4,772
    Windows 7 Ultimate - 64-bit | Windows 8 Pro - 64-bit

    Great Tutorial Shawn ! I like the Method 2 the most :)
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 72,446
    64-bit Windows 11 Pro for Workstations
    Thread Starter

    Thank you Shyam. :)
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 7,683
    Windows 10 Pro

    Now I'll just have to go in the BIOS and configure the shutdown switch
      My Computer

  4. usa
    Posts : 1
    windows 7 32bit

    kinda worked

    this kinda help but i want to still allow users to lock,restart, log off. i only want to prevent them from shutting down, sleep, and hybernate
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 72,446
    64-bit Windows 11 Pro for Workstations
    Thread Starter

    Hello USA, and welcome to Seven Forums.

    Yeah, unfortunately "Restart" is part of the shutdown options. I do not know of another option that would disable all of these without it also including "Restart".

    A workaround for restart being disabled would be to log off, then manually restart the computer using the restart button on the computer case.

    Hope this helps,
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 8
    Seven Home Premium x64 / Vista Home Premium x86

    It works!!!

    Worked just as expected on Seven Home Premium x64. Does the tool in option 2 work in Vista Home Premium x86? How about XP Pro? As always, any help is very appreciated.

    Thanks everyone for your posts.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 72,446
    64-bit Windows 11 Pro for Workstations
    Thread Starter

    Hello Dusty, and welcome to Seven Forums.

    Both options work in Windows 7 and Vista, but I haven't tried option two in XP though. It's not going to hurt anything to try it XP though. It'll either work or not. :)
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 8
    Seven Home Premium x64 / Vista Home Premium x86

    Thanks, will try on XP Pro.

    Also, does this prevent shutdown from cmd prompt? I would like to restrict Vista Home Premium x86 but the system only has one user (admin) so the only way to shut down if I do this is a cmd prompt.


    No, option 2 doesn't work in XP Pro, returns "invalid application" message
    Last edited by Brink; 01 Jan 2012 at 20:28. Reason: merged
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 72,446
    64-bit Windows 11 Pro for Workstations
    Thread Starter


    When they (tested with standard user) run the shutdown /f command in a command prompt, it will only log them out instead. The other switch options get a access denied message. So, yep it basically still prevents them in a command prompt as well. :)

    Thank you for confirming that it doesn't work in XP.
      My Computer

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