Command Prompt - Copy to Clipboard

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    Command Prompt - Copy to Clipboard

    Command Prompt - Copy to Clipboard

    How to Enable Copy to Clipboard from Command Prompt in Windows 7
    Published by
    Designer Media Ltd

    How to Enable Copy to Clipboard from Command Prompt in Windows 7

    This will show you how to enable or disable Quick Edit mode in the command prompt to highlight text within the command prompt to copy to the clipboard in Windows 7.
    You can use this for a normal command prompt or elevated command prompt window

    EXAMPLE: Command Prompt
    NOTE: This is the command prompt window when you have text highlighted.
    Command Prompt - Copy to Clipboard-command1.jpg

    Command Prompt - Copy to Clipboard-command2.jpg
    Here's How:
    1. Open a command prompt, then right click on the title bar of the command prompt and click on Properties. (See screenshot below)
    Command Prompt - Copy to Clipboard-title_bar.jpg

    A) Go to step 4 or 5.
    2. Open the Start Menu and click on All Programs and Accessories, then right click on Command Prompt shortcut and click on Properties. (See screenshot below)
    NOTE: This option can only be done using a Command Prompt shortcut. If you do not have one, then you can do step 3 to create a shortcut to use instead.
    Command Prompt - Copy to Clipboard-start_menu.jpg

    A) Go to step 4 or 5.

    3. If you do not have a shortcut to use in step 2 -
    A) In Windows Explorer, navigate to C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe, then right click on the cmd.exe file and click on Send To and Desktop (create shortcut). Now right click on the shortcut and click on Properties. (See screenshot below)
    Command Prompt - Copy to Clipboard-windows_explorer.jpg
    4. To Enable Copy to Clipboard
    A) Click on the Options tab, then check the Quick Edit mode box and click on OK. (See screenshot below)
    Command Prompt - Copy to Clipboard-properties.jpg
    B) Go to step 6.
    5. To Disable Copy to Clipboard
    A) Click on the Options tab, then uncheck the Quick Edit mode box and click on OK. (See screenshot above)

    B) You're done.
    6. Now you can highlight text (left click and hold, drag over text) in the command prompt that you want to copy to the Windows 7 clipboard and press enter or right click. (See screenshot below)
    NOTE: Notice how the command prompt title changes to Select Command Prompt when you are in Quick Edit mode to highlight the text. The title will return to Command Prompt when you press enter or right click to indicate that it has been copied to the clipboard.
    Command Prompt - Copy to Clipboard-command2.jpg
    7. You can now right click where you want to copy the text to from the clipboard, then click on Paste.
    That's it,

  1. Posts : 8,375
    W7 Ultimate x64/W10 Pro x64/W11 Pro Triple Boot - Main PC W7 Remote PC Micro ATX W7 Pro x64/W11 Pro

    "got ya..."! Right off the command prompt!
      My Computers

  2. Posts : 301
    Windows 7 Home Premium

    i wish this was possible in vista...
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 72,952
    64-bit Windows 11 Pro for Workstations
    Thread Starter

    Hello Wii Master,

    It's the same in Vista as well.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 8,375
    W7 Ultimate x64/W10 Pro x64/W11 Pro Triple Boot - Main PC W7 Remote PC Micro ATX W7 Pro x64/W11 Pro

    "Once Vista is back on here I'll have it a try there too!" posting from the command prompt again!
      My Computers

  5. Posts : 8,476
    Windows® 8 Pro (64-bit)

    That is an amazing trick. Always thought of having it. Nice catch Shawn. :)
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 8,375
    W7 Ultimate x64/W10 Pro x64/W11 Pro Triple Boot - Main PC W7 Remote PC Micro ATX W7 Pro x64/W11 Pro

    Shawn always manages to make the best finds for some reason!
      My Computers

  7. Posts : 72,952
    64-bit Windows 11 Pro for Workstations
    Thread Starter

    Night Hawk said:
    Shawn always manages to make the best finds for some reason!
    It's just those alien advantages.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 8,375
    W7 Ultimate x64/W10 Pro x64/W11 Pro Triple Boot - Main PC W7 Remote PC Micro ATX W7 Pro x64/W11 Pro

    Brink said:
    It's just those alien advantages.
    That's getting "out there" for sure!

    At times I could have sworn I had something highlighted in a command prompt and pasted into Note Pad. But this certainly is a great reminder just the same!
      My Computers

  9. Posts : 301
    Windows 7 Home Premium

    Brink said:
    Hello Wii Master,

    It's the same in Vista as well.
    well, i went to the file that you specified in explorer, but when i right clicked it and hit properties, all that came up was 4 tabs that said general, security, and i forgot what the other 2 said. do i need to take ownership or something?
      My Computer

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