Make bootable iso from student d/l

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    Make bootable iso from student d/l

    Make bootable iso from student d/l

    How to Create a Bootable ISO from a Student Windows 7 Download
    Published by
    Designer Media Ltd

    How to Create a Bootable ISO from a Student Windows 7 Download

    If you get the student d/l and have 3 files :

    Here's how:

    1. Rt click each file, Properties > Unblock>Apply>OK.
    NOTE: Make sure read only boxes are clear.

    2. Rt click and run as admin on the .exe. You will get a folder called expandedsetup on your dektop with these inside:
    Make bootable iso from student d/l-expandedsetupcontents-2009-10-22_061340.jpg

    If you receive this error:

    We are unable to create or save new files in the folder in which this application was downloaded. Please check the folder properties to make sure that you have security permission on the folder to write files and that the folder is not read-only.

    3. D/L this zip, extract it and copy/move oscdimg.exe into C:\Windows\system32.
    4. Assuming expandedsetup is on your Desktop:

    Vista/7 users open an elevated command prompt ( rt click cmd and run as admin) and type :

    Oscdimg.exe –u2 –b"C:\Users\your_username\Desktop\expandedSetup\boot\" –h "C:\Users\your_username\Desktop\expandedSetup" C:\7.iso

    XP users commands are:

    cd /d C:\windows\system32

    oscdimg -u2 -b"C:\Documents and Settings\USER\Desktop\expandedSetup\boot\" -h "C:\Documents and Settings\USER\Desktop\expandedSetup" C:\7.iso

    5. You can copy and paste the above into elevated cmd.

    Vista/7 users- replace your_username with your actual username.

    XP users - replace USER with your actual username

    6. Then press enter. Xp users press enter after each of their two commands.

    7. If the expandedsetup folder is not on your desktop, replace with appropriate paths.

    You may wish to copy the expandedsetup folder directly onto the root of C:

    The paths will be shorter and the command will be:

    Oscdimg.exe –u2 –bC:\expandedSetup\boot\ –h C:\expandedSetup C:\7.iso
    If your folder is elsewhere, to get the paths easily, press shift and rt click on - select copy as path ( paste into notepad )

    Shift and rt click on expanded setup - select copy as path - paste into notepad ) Use those instead of the above.

    The spacing needs to be exact.
    When the .iso is created you will get this message:

    WARNING: This image contains UDF file system structures.

    That is normal as you are creating the udf filesystem.

    8. A) You can burn the .iso to dvd as an image with an isoburner.

    B) You can use the Microsoft DVD/USB tool to burn the .iso to dvd or to use the .iso to make a bootable flash drive. Download the tool:
    To make a copy of your Windows 7 ISO file:

    1. Click the Start button, and click Windows 7 USB/DVD Download tool in the All Programs list to open the USB/DVD Download tool.
    2. Click Browse and select the file in the Open dialog box.
    3. Select USB to create a copy on a USB flash drive or DVD to create a copy on a DVD disk, then click Next.
    4. If you are copying the file to a USB flash drive, select your USB device in the dropdown list and click Begin copying. If you are copying the file up to a DVD, click Begin burning.

    Microsoft Store: Download Manager Help


    Microsoft’s ISO Image for Windows 7 Now Available

    There is additional information regarding the Windows 7 64-bit download process. For those customers of the Student Offer, who wish to install the 64-bit version of Windows 7, but are currently running a 32-bit Operating System, there is now an optional downloadable ISO file of Windows 7 64-bit to allow for install.

    - If you have already purchased the 64-bit version of Windows 7 from the Windows 7 Student Offer Online Store, please contact Digital River at the following link:
    · In the Web form select the Download Option in the drop down menu and include "64-bit Windows 7 Solution" in the first line of your problem description.

    Have fun.

  1. Posts : 19
    OS X

    Quick question I am in Vista, I right clicked on all of the files downloaded and selected properties. In the new window there is no unblock, also all of the read-only checkboxes are already unchecked.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 16,363
    7 X64
    Thread Starter

    That's fine , go ahead and rt click and run as admin on the.exe
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 1

    Hi, I right clicked and went to run as admin, on Win XP. It asks for a password, my main user account is the administrator and the password doesnt work for the admin account.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 16,363
    7 X64
    Thread Starter

    I don't think you need to do that on XP - try just running the .exe and see.
      My Computers

  5. Posts : 9
    Windows 7 Professional x64

    I'm currently getting an error. I've corrected the mistakes in the above code lines

    Should be Oscdimg.exe –u2 –b C:\Users\your_username\Desktop\expandedSetup\boot\ –h C:\Users\your_username\Desktop\expandedSetup C:\7.iso

    There wasn't a space between -bC:\Users.. and there was a space in

    But afterwards I get the error
    Scanning Source tree
    ERROR: Failure enumerating files in directory "C:\USERS\*MYUSERNAME*\uU2\" (On the lower case u there is a ^ above it)
    Error 3: The system cannot find the path specified.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 19
    OS X

    Short Preface: I have tried to "unpackage to both my M: drive and my desktop

    Ok so i Rt clicked on the folder and ran it as admin - I get the Unloading Box Progress bar:

    When it reaches the end of the progress bar I haer a error bell and this prompt appears on the screen:

    We are unable to create or save new files in the folder in which this application was downloaded. Please check the folder properties to make sure that you have security permission on the folder to write files and that the folder is not read-only.

    Is that normal?
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 19
    OS X

    Audio said:
    I'm currently getting an error. I've corrected the mistakes in the above code lines

    Should be Oscdimg.exe –u2 –b C:\Users\your_username\Desktop\expandedSetup\boot\ –h C:\Users\your_username\Desktop\expandedSetup C:\7.iso

    There wasn't a space between -bC:\Users.. and there was a space in

    But afterwards I get the error
    Scanning Source tree
    ERROR: Failure enumerating files in directory "C:\USERS\*MYUSERNAME*\uU2\" (On the lower case u there is a ^ above it)
    Error 3: The system cannot find the path specified.

    I was getting the same error when I ran it as well
      My Computer

  8.    #8

    So after the cmd prompt, I can save it to a dvd-r as an .iso? Thanks and sorry for not being so tech-savvy.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 9
    Windows 7 Professional x64

    My mistake there is suppose to be no space between -bC:\User

    Just there is suppose to be no space in

    I end up making my own line to use

    oscdimg -bC:\Users\USERNAME\Desktop\expandedSetup\boot\ -h -u2 -m -lWIN_EN_DVD C:\Users\USERNAME\Desktop\expandedSetup\ C:\7.iso

    That worked for me
      My Computer

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