Enabling Custom Themes - Windows 7

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    Enabling Custom Themes - Windows 7

    Enabling Custom Themes - Windows 7

    How to Enable Custom Themes without Modifying System Files
    Published by
    Designer Media Ltd

    How to Enable Custom Themes without Modifying System Files

    This will show you how to enable and use custom themes without modifying system files. This method (in the form of a runnable service) was created and maintained by Rafael Rivera at Within Windows
    This method can be used on Windows XP Service Pack 2-3, Windows Vista (All Service Packs), and Windows 7
    The UxStyle installer checks to see if typical patched files (like uxtheme.dll) have been patched. If they have, the installer will fail and you must replace these patched files with the original Windows' copies. Check the Frequently Asked Questions part of the tutorial for help with resolving this issue

    Here's How:
    1. Disable User Account Control (this is only temporary, Windows Vista and 7 only)

    2. Download UxStyle Core Beta here and save the file to a meaningful location (such as the desktop)
    Enabling Custom Themes - Windows 7-uxstyle.jpg
    3. Extract the files and run the installer that matches your architecture: x86 or x64 (In this example I will be running the x64 installer)
    Enabling Custom Themes - Windows 7-uxstyle2.jpg
    4. Follow the onscreen instructions
    Enabling Custom Themes - Windows 7-uxstyle3.jpg

    Enabling Custom Themes - Windows 7-uxstyle4.jpg

    Enabling Custom Themes - Windows 7-uxstyle5.jpg
    5. Reboot the computer

    6. Enable User Account Control again (Only Windows Vista and 7 users)
    Frequently Asked Questions

    Q: Exactly how is this different from using utilities like the universal patcher?

    A: This program installs a service called UnsignedThemesSvc that takes less than a MB of RAM (520K for me on x64 in the screen shot below). The process will *trick* Windows into thinking all themes are signed thus allowing any installed custom theme to run. The patch modifies system files that could potentially end up being corrupted in the process, resulting in a repair install or a format

    Enabling Custom Themes - Windows 7-uxstyle6.jpg

    Q: I installed the program but I can't see the process nor can I use a theme...help!
    A: This normally is the result of not turning off UAC completely before installing the program. Uninstall UxStyle Core Beta from Programs and Features, restart the computer, turn off UAC, restart the computer, install UxStyle Core Beta, restart the computer. Your theme should work then.

    Q: I tried running the installer but it keeps telling me that my subsystem has been tampered with...help!
    A: This occurs when you have attempted to apply a patch to system files such as uxtheme.dll. To remedy this (in 95% of all scenarios) you must open a command prompt (run as Administrator) and execute the following command: sfc /scannow. After it finishes you should be able to run the installer for the program with no issue. See Run as Adminstrator and SFC /SCANNON Command - System File Checker in Related Links at the top for more info

    Q: Okay, I got UxStyle Core running...now what?
    A: The fun part...install some themes! Manually installing themes is easy...extract the theme to C:\Windows\Resources\Themes and choose it under the Installed Themes segment in Personalization (See tutorials above in Related Links to get more info on this)!

    Q: Where can I find custom themes?
    A: Some places to look would be in the Customization area of SevenForums and using the search terms "Windows 7 themes" on deviantART. You may also wish to contact members who hold the GFX Team badge as some of them are currently making themes or have released them

    Hope it helps,

  1.    #1

    Very nice tutorial Chris
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 11,840
    64-bit Windows 8.1 Pro

    SFT comes through with a great tutorial!! Nice one Chris!!
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 4,282
    Windows 7 Ultimate Vista Ultimate x64

    Very nice mate and well written.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 5,807
    Windows 7 Home Premium x64 - Mac OS X 10.6.4 x64
    Thread Starter

    Thanks for the nice comments folks!
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 2,651
    W7 RTM Ultimate x64

    Perfect, altho ive already patched my files, but if i was to format and start fresh, id use this for sure!
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 5,807
    Windows 7 Home Premium x64 - Mac OS X 10.6.4 x64
    Thread Starter

    Uber Philf said:
    Perfect, altho ive already patched my files, but if i was to format and start fresh, id use this for sure!
    Thats the reason I published this...I am pretty paranoid about those patchers (one killed my install in a past)

    If you could have seen my excitement when I read Rafael's blog and seen the beta hit...
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 2,651
    W7 RTM Ultimate x64

    Is there a thread where we can request Custom themes?
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 5,807
    Windows 7 Home Premium x64 - Mac OS X 10.6.4 x64
    Thread Starter

    Uber Philf said:
    Is there a thread where we can request Custom themes?
    I guess the best place would be the Custom themes, icons, etc thread...

    I know Sergio and Mr GRiM just made a theme...you could also try them out or as the tutorial suggests you could try deviantART
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 2,651
    W7 RTM Ultimate x64

    alrighty, already downloaded all the ones from Deviant, but id like to make a request, maybe a PM to sergio or Grim might be in order.
      My Computer

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