Custom Power Plan - Create or Delete

    Custom Power Plan - Create or Delete

    Custom Power Plan - Create or Delete

    How to Create or Delete a Custom Power Plan in Windows 7 and Windows 8
    Published by
    Designer Media Ltd

    How to Create or Delete a Custom Power Plan in Windows 7 and Windows 8

    A power plan is a collection of hardware and system settings that manages how your computer uses power. Power plans can help you save energy, maximize system performance, or achieve a balance between the two.

    This tutorial will show you how to delete or create your own custom power plan in Windows 7 and Windows 8.

    You may also have a custom power plan available from your computer manufacturer (OEM) that may also appear by default on the battery meter on a mobile PC (laptop), or as one of the preferred power plans on a desktop computer.

    Here's How:
    1. Open the Control Panel (icons view) in Windows 7 or Windows 8, and click/tap on the Power Options icon.

    2. Do step 3 or 4 below for what you would like to do.

    3. To Create a Custom Power Plan
    A) Click/tap on the Create a power plan link in the left pane. (See screenshot below)
    Custom Power Plan - Create or Delete-create-1.jpg
    B) Select (dot) a power plan that is closet to what you want for your custom power plan. (See screenshot below)
    Custom Power Plan - Create or Delete-create-2.jpg
    C) Type in a name for you custom power plan, and click/tap on Next. (See screenshot above)

    D) Set how many minutes to wait for the Turn off display and Put the computer to sleep settings, or select never if you do not want to use that setting. (See screenshot below)
    NOTE: If your PC runs on a battery, then you will need to set this for both On battery and Plugged in.
    Custom Power Plan - Create or Delete-create-3.jpg
    E) When finished, click/tap on the Create button. (See screenshot above)

    F) You will now see your custom power plan listed under the Preferred plans. (See screenshot below)
    Custom Power Plan - Create or Delete-create-4.jpg
    G ) Go to step 5.
    4. To Delete a Custom Power Plan
    NOTE: You may not be able to delete a OEM custom power plan.
    A) If the custom power plan that you wish to delete is selected (dotted), then select (dot) any other available power plan, then click/tap on the Change plan settings link to the right of the custom power plan that you wish to delete. (See screenshot below)
    NOTE: You will not be able to delete a power plan that's currently in use (selected), so that's why you must select another one first.
    Custom Power Plan - Create or Delete-delete_create-1.jpg
    B) Click/tap on the Delete this plan link. (See screenshot below)
    Custom Power Plan - Create or Delete-delete_create-2.jpg
    C) Click on OK to confirm the deletion. (See screenshot below)
    Custom Power Plan - Create or Delete-confirm_delete.jpg
    5. Close the Power Options window. (See screenshot below step 3F or 4A)

    6. If created, you can now change the Advanced Power Plan Settings in Windows 7 or Windows 8 for this custom power plan if you like.
    That's it,

  1. Posts : 106
    Windows 7 Home Premium

    Thanks but still Acer's ePower Manager is much better than this. Although since I moved to Windows 7 64-bit I can't run that program.
      My Computer


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