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  1. Posts : 17,545
    Windows 10 Pro x64 EN-GB

    Zidane24 said:
    a pm to john would do
    Who starts the petition? I'll sign it.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 1,806
    Windows 7 Ultimate x32

    being a person who generally takes interest in the abstract. i find the rep system to be a tad conforming, and restraining. i feel it's a little biased that how (most) of the people here judge others intelligence, based on little stickers, and badges. some people (like me, i guess) really dont give a flying biscuit that they have a reputation. especially on the (almost completely) annoyance void of the internet.

    its almost mind boggling that the higher-ups have the final call on everyone's opinions about everyone elses ideas and credibility. Im not trying to overthrow the SF government, just trying to understand the rules and regs of others who (clearly) do not think like me.

    but, not my site. not my server. NOT MY RULES. so i guess we have to learn to live with it. get on board, or get left behind. thats all there is to it.

    Dont shoot, im unarmed
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 2,736

    holo88 said:
    being a person who generally takes interest in the abstract. i find the rep system to be a tad conforming, and restraining. i feel it's a little biased that how (most) of the people here judge others intelligence, based on little stickers, and badges. some people (like me, i guess) really dont give a flying biscuit that they have a reputation. especially on the (almost completely) annoyance void of the internet.

    its almost mind boggling that the higher-ups have the final call on everyone's opinions about everyone elses ideas and credibility. Im not trying to overthrow the SF government, just trying to understand the rules and regs of others who (clearly) do not think like me.

    but, not my site. not my server. NOT MY RULES. so i guess we have to learn to live with it. get on board, or get left behind. thats all there is to it.

    Dont shoot, im unarmed
    Think like a first time visitor with a problem. Doesn't it instill some confidence that the person telling you how to fix your computer has been recognized on the forum as a person of some knowledge and skill?
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 31,250
    Windows 11 Pro x64 [Latest Release and Release Preview]

    If I can try to clarify a few points the way I see them.

    If you read the pop-up that appears when giving rep the two options are simply "I approve of the post" or "I disapprove of the post" If you take this literally then that should be all that is needed to decide if rep should be given or not.

    The reasons for the Approval or Disapproval of a post is a totally personal one It can be for help given to yourself or others, or a bad attitude, or even that it made you smile or made you angry.

    If anyone has a query or issue with the contents of a post then please use the report button to bring the post to the attention of the Mods/Admin.

    The reason for the delay timeout on giving rep to the same person is there to prevent abuse which has happened - Member A reps Member B who reps Member A and so on to increase their rep score.
      My Computers

  5. Posts : 1,112
    XP_Pro, W7_7201, W7RC.vhd, SciLinux5.3, Fedora12, Fedora9_2x, OpenSolaris_09-06

    Kari said:
    My intention today was not to start an argument or dispute, not even a conversation.
    It turned out, however, to be a good way to use the system:
    1. An error got fixed,
    2. zigzag now has a 'live' example of what to 'bad rep'
    3. Maybe the "counter" can be temporarily dropped to 5 for a short duration:
    Since it was 5 too high for a while, maybe it can go to 5 too low, for a period, to compensate...

    It's fun to sometimes make certain posts, when you're thick-skinned.
    Never knew the pot would be stirred so much tho.
    I'm not really worried about it because its not a 'big deal' to me.
    I know who the experts are and can certainly differentiate the assholes..

    Thanks, guys!
    Appreciate your support.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 1,806
    Windows 7 Ultimate x32

    iseeuu said:
    Think like a first time visitor with a problem. Doesn't it instill some confidence that the person telling you how to fix your computer has been recognized on the forum as a person of some knowledge and skill?
    true. it does. but there are exceptions. im not one to draw attention to myself (intentionally), will fall on my sword with this.

    I personally have helped maybe 4 people, in total. thats fully resolved, by me, issues. it's almost hyocritical that i wear a "Seven Pro" bagde. 90% of thr rep i get is for making someone piss themselves silly with some witty retort. that is not in my definition of "help". thats hypocrisy uno. secondly, of the 15-20 people i actually commune with know that what i post is usually in jest. most others, juniors, newbs, whatever they call themselves DONT know that, and would more than likely negi-rep me for poking fun in what should be their spotlight.

    so, i guess you could say, that im living proof that the rep system has flaws. but also being a person who tries to not complain.... im not complaining. like i said though, it's not my site/server/rules.
    that and im really bad with wording my opinions

    hope that clears up any misconceptions.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 3,028
    Windows 7 Ultimate (x64) SP1

    holo88 said:
    true. it does. but there are exceptions. im not one to draw attention to myself (intentionally), will fall on my sword with this.

    I personally have helped maybe 4 people, in total. thats fully resolved, by me, issues. it's almost hyocritical that i wear a "Seven Pro" bagde. 90% of thr rep i get is for making someone piss themselves silly with some witty retort. that is not in my definition of "help". thats hypocrisy uno. secondly, of the 15-20 people i actually commune with know that what i post is usually in jest. most others, juniors, newbs, whatever they call themselves DONT know that, and would more than likely negi-rep me for poking fun in what should be their spotlight.

    so, i guess you could say, that im living proof that the rep system has flaws. but also being a person who tries to not complain.... im not complaining. like i said though, it's not my site/server/rules.
    that and im really bad with wording my opinions

    hope that clears up any misconceptions.
    i understand what you're saying. no system is without it's flaws but i think this one works reasonably well (even if it does appear that i will stuck on "skilled" for all of eternity)...lol
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 17,545
    Windows 10 Pro x64 EN-GB

    &lt;off topic&gt; Redirect &lt;/off&gt;-willrogers.png

    I honestly believe this is truth allover this globe, not only in America
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 1,806
    Windows 7 Ultimate x32

    Kari said:
    &lt;off topic&gt; Redirect &lt;/off&gt;-willrogers.png

    I honestly believe this is truth allover this globe, not only in America
    mainly America. which is true. money has a tendency of turning reasonably good people, into greedy, sneaky, backstabbing jerks. i often wonder what society would be like without an evil such money would be like....

    i guess its human nature. people would be trying to steal your deer pelts, instead of your wallet.... what animals, we are.
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 11,840
    64-bit Windows 8.1 Pro

    holo88 said:
    mainly America. which is true. money has a tendency of turning reasonably good people, into greedy, sneaky, backstabbing jerks. i often wonder what society would be like without an evil such money would be like....

    i guess its human nature. people would be trying to steal your deer pelts, instead of your wallet.... what animals, we are.

    Thats a HUMAN trait not exclusive to AMERICA...
      My Computer

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