After you set user or group permissions of a parent object (folder, drive, or registry key), any newly created files and subfolders in the folder or drive, or newly created subkeys under the registry key, will also inherit these permissions by default.
I would highly recommend that you
create a restore point before making changes to a file, folder, drive, or registry key permission settings. This way if you make a mistake and lock (access denied) yourself out of the item, you will be able to do a
system restore at boot and select the restore point to undo the mistake.
1. Do
step 2 or 3 below for what object (
drive, or
registry key) you would like to change the permission settings of.
2. To Change the Access Permissions of a File, Folder, or DriveA) In Windows Explorer, right click on the file, folder, or drive (object) that you want to change the permissions of and click on
B) Click on the
Security tab, and click on the
Advanced button. (see screenshot below)
C) In the
Permissions tab, click on the
Change Permissions button. (see screenshot below)
D) If prompted by UAC, then click on
Yes (Windows 7) or
Continue (Vista)
E) Go to
step 4.
3. To Change the Access Permissions of a Registry KeyA) In the left pane of Registry Editor (regedit.exe), right click on the key (object) that you want to change the permissions of and click on
Permissions. (see screenshot below)
B) Click on the
Advanced button. (see screenshot below)
C) Go to
step 4 below.
4. You will now see this below. Do
step 5, 6, or 7 below for what you would like to do. (see screenshot and table below)
Item |
Description |
Object Name |
Full path of the selected file, folder, drive, or registry key from step 2 or 3 above. |
Permission entries |
Displays each permission entry for this object: |
Type - Either Allow or Deny this group or user this permission for this object. |
Name - Resource, user, or group. |
Permission - Restrictions currently applied to this object for this resource, user, or group. |
Inherited from - Identifies the full path of the parent object for the "object name". |
Apply To - Identifies any descendant objects to which the permissions are also applied. |
5. To Include Inheritable Permissions from Object's Parent
NOTE: This will have this "object name" inherit (add) all of the permission entries from it's "parent object".
A) Check the Include inheritable permissions from the objects parent box, and click on Apply. (see screenshot below step 4)
B) Go to step 8 or 9 below.
6. To Remove All Inherited Parent Permissions from Object
NOTE: This will remove all of the inherited parent permission entries from this "object name".
A) Uncheck the
Include inheritable permissions from the objects parent box. (see screenshot below step 4)
B) Click on the
Remove button. (see screenshot below)
C) Click on the
Apply button. (see screenshot below)
D) Go to
step 8 below.
7. To Convert All Inherited Parent Permissions as Explicit for Object
NOTE: This will convert all of the inherited parent permission entries as explicit permissons (<not inherited>) instead for this "object name" under the Inherited From column.
A) Uncheck the
Include inheritable permissions from the objects parent box. (see screenshot below step 4)
B) Click on the
Add button. (see screenshot below)
C) Click on the
Apply button. (see screenshot below step 4)
NOTE: If you get a Access is denied message, then it means that you will need to take ownership of this object first and repeat the steps above.
D) Go to
step 8 below.
8. Do
step 9 and/or 10 below if you would like to add or remove permissons entries that are explicit (
<not inherited>). If not, then go to
step 11 below instead.
9. To Remove Explicit Permission Entries from Object
NOTE: This step is if you want to remove permission entries (users or groupa) that have explicit (<not inherited>) permissions from this object.
A) Select a listed permission entry that has
<not inherited> under the
Inherited From column that you want to remove, and click on
Remove. (see screenshot below step 4)
B) Repeat step 9A for any other permission entries you would like to remove for this object.
C) When finished, click on the
Apply button. (see screenshot below step 4)
NOTE: If you get a Access is denied message, then it means that you will need to take ownership of this object first and repeat the steps above.
D) Go to
step 10 or 11 below for what you would like to do.
10. To Add Permission Entries to Object
NOTE: This step is if you want to add permission entries (users or groups) to this object that will have explicit (<not inherited>) permissions.
A) Click on the
Add button. (see screenshot below step 4)
B) Click on the
Advanced button. (see screenshot below)
C) Click on the
Find Now button. (see screenshot below)
D) In the bottom pane under
Search results, select the user(s) and/or group(s) that you want to add and click on
OK. (see screenshot below)
NOTE: You can press and hold the CTRL key to select more than one listed item.E) Click on
OK. (see screenshot below)
F) Repeat steps 10A-10E for any other explicit permission entries you would like to add for this object.
G) When finished, click on the
Apply button. (see screenshot below step 4)
NOTE: If you get a Access is denied message, then it means that you will need to take ownership of this object first and repeat the steps above.
H) Go to
step 11 below.
11. To Allow or Deny Permissions for a User or GroupA) Select a listed permission entry that has <not inherited> under the Inherited From column, and click on Edit. (see screenshot below step 4)
NOTE: Permission entries that are inherited will need to be have their permission settings changed from the object's parent instead, or remove them (step 6) and add explicit permission (step 10) entries to set for this object instead.
B) Select the
Apply to drop down menu item for how you would like to apply the permissions for this permission entry. (see screenshots below step 11E)
NOTE: You will not be able to select a Apply to item for a file object.
C) Check the
Allow or
Deny boxes for the items that you want to allow or deny permissions for the selected user or group (permission entry). (see screenshots below step 11E)
- In most cases, Deny overrides Allow unless a folder is inheriting conflicting settings from different parents. In that case, the setting inherited from the parent closest to the object in it's full path will have precedence.
- Be sure to not deny permissions to or remove your user account for this object. Doing so could prevent you from having access to it.
- Be sure to not deny permissions to the Everyone group for this opbject. This will also include your user account.
- Be sure to not deny permissions to or remove TrustedInstaller, LOCAL SERVICE, RESTRICTED, SERVICE, or SYSTEM permission entries if listed. Doing so will prevent Windows from having access, and could cause Windows to not run properly afterwards.
- Checking the Full Control item will also check all items under either Allow or Deny.
D) If you like, depending on what you selected in step 11B, check the
Apply these permissions to objects and/or containers within this container only box.
NOTE: This would be to apply only to say subfolders and files in this folder.
E) Click on
OK. (see screenshots below)
F) Click on
Apply. (see screenshot below step 4)
NOTE: If you get a Access is denied message, then it means that you will need to take ownership of this object first and repeat the steps above.
12. If you like, check the
Replace all child object permissions with inheritable permissions from this object box, and click on
Apply. (see screenshot below step 4)
NOTE: When checked, all permissions entries on this now parent object will replace (update) those on its descendant child objects (ex: subfolders, files, or subkeys). If left unchecked, permissions on each object, whether parent or its descendant, can be unique.A) Click on
Yes. (see screenshot below)
B) The
Replace all child object permissions with inheritable permissions from this object check box will now automatically clear again by default, but it was still applied for these permission changes. (see screenshot below step 4)
13. When finished, click on
OK. (see screenshot below step 4)
14. If open, click on
OK. (see screenshot below step 2C)
15. Click on
OK. (see screenshot below step 2B or 3B)
That's it,