Make Windows 7 bootable after motherboard swap

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    Make Windows 7 bootable after motherboard swap

    Make Windows 7 bootable after motherboard swap

    Paragon P2P Adjust OS - Make Windows 7 bootable after motherboard swap
    Published by
    Designer Media Ltd

    Make Windows 7 bootable after motherboard swap, or bootable after swapping hard drive to new machine. Software described Paragon P2P Adjust OS.

    This procedure describes how to do it. Procedure can be used in case of:
    1. Download "Paragon Adaptive Restore 2010" from Paragon Adaptive Restore 2010 on my DROPBOX.
    2. Burn the ISO to CD/DVD using Windows Disc Image Burner or ImgBurn.
    3. Set CD/DVD as first boot device in BIOS.
    Do the following:
    1. Boot the computer from Paragon Windows PE 3.0 based CD/DVD.
    2. Accept the end user license agreement, otherwise you are not able to use the tool.
      Make Windows 7 bootable after motherboard swap-1.png
    3. Launch P2P Adjust OS.
      Make Windows 7 bootable after motherboard swap-2.jpg
    4. Select the operating system you need to adjust to your new hardware.
      Make Windows 7 bootable after motherboard swap-3.png
    5. Choose whether you want to add third-party drivers or not, and the way to do it.
      Make Windows 7 bootable after motherboard swap-4.png
    6. If you chose "Adjust the OS to the new hardware automatically", the P2P Adjust OS Wizard will automatically accomplish all the necessary actions.
      Make Windows 7 bootable after motherboard swap-5.png
    7. The only thing that might need your interaction is to specify additional driver repository.
      Make Windows 7 bootable after motherboard swap-6.png
    8. At last, choose "Yes, apply the changes physically" and then restart your computer after operations are done. Do remember, you cannot interrupt the process or undo the changes.
      Make Windows 7 bootable after motherboard swap-7.png
    Compelete pdf manual: Paragon Adaptive Restore 2010 on my DROPBOX.

    Just before the OS adjustment, you can additionally:
    Make Windows 7 bootable after motherboard swap-extra.jpg

    Sometimes the internal hard drive is not recognized in Paragon P2P Adjust OS due to missing SATA or RAID driver. In that case add specific drivers to Windows PE based Paragon Recovery Environment.
    1. Click to open Add Drivers dialog.
      Make Windows 7 bootable after motherboard swap-.jpg
    2. Browse for an .INF file of the required driver, then click the Open button to initiate the process.
      Make Windows 7 bootable after motherboard swap-b.png
    3. Click Yes to confirm the operation.
      Make Windows 7 bootable after motherboard swap-c.png
    You can only add third-party drivers in INF file. If they are zipped, you need to unpack them before processing the steps. The Windows PE environment is 32bit-based, so you need to use 32-bit drivers for injection.
    After procedure has finished succesfully and system boots fine, first check if Enable hardware auto-updating via Windows Update (Set to Automatic) is on so it will query Windows Update. After that:

    1. Uninstall Device and Device Driver for devices no longer attached to system. Uninstall associated software as well.
    2. Install all of your device drivers, then Windows Updates.
    3. Refresh your Windows Experience Index (WEI) score.
    4. When done, all you will need to do is to activate Windows 7.
    After rebooting from disk, drivers should start swapping out in a cascade you can monitor by clicking on the system tray animation. Wait until all are finished before doing the requested restart. After reboot, go immediately to Check for Updates and install all Important and Optional Updates which may include critical drivers and patches for the OS to run on that hardware.

    You must reactivate at the Change Product Key link on System page. If it's not present you can insert Product Key and then Activate using SLMgr Commands

    On some systems you see "setup is preparing your computer for first use" on every reboot. Read this to fix that issue: Fix "Setup is Preparing Your Computer for First Use" on Every Reboot

  1. Posts : 8
    Windows 7 x64 bit

    Oh my god....I love you. I just used this program because I had a desktop that I had been using for 2+ years and I didn't want to lose all my niche settings and programs and what not, but I was told that under NO circumstances would I be able to pull my drive out of my old computer and install it (without losing anything) into my new computer. This program and guide saved my butt in SO many ways. I thank you *SO* much for this guide!!!!
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 10,796
    Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bits 7601 Multiprocessor Free Service Pack 1
    Thread Starter

    Biohazard326 said:
    Oh my god....I love you. I just used this program because I had a desktop that I had been using for 2+ years and I didn't want to lose all my niche settings and programs and what not, but I was told that under NO circumstances would I be able to pull my drive out of my old computer and install it (without losing anything) into my new computer. This program and guide saved my butt in SO many ways. I thank you *SO* much for this guide!!!!
    Glad you have a working computer again.
    Did you have to reenter the win7 product key to activate win7?
    Did you have to install extra drivers within "P2P adjust OS", or did the program all automatically (replacing drivers with generic ones)?
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 10,796
    Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bits 7601 Multiprocessor Free Service Pack 1
    Thread Starter

    Biohazard326 said:
    Oh my god....I love you. I just used this program because I had a desktop that I had been using for 2+ years and I didn't want to lose all my niche settings and programs and what not, but I was told that under NO circumstances would I be able to pull my drive out of my old computer and install it (without losing anything) into my new computer. This program and guide saved my butt in SO many ways. I thank you *SO* much for this guide!!!!
    Your new computer most likely has another network card and graphics card. Were these old drivers not listed anymore after running P2P adjust OS and booting? So did it cleanup "device management" stuff?
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 8
    Windows 7 x64 bit

    Kaktussoft said:
    Biohazard326 said:
    Oh my god....I love you. I just used this program because I had a desktop that I had been using for 2+ years and I didn't want to lose all my niche settings and programs and what not, but I was told that under NO circumstances would I be able to pull my drive out of my old computer and install it (without losing anything) into my new computer. This program and guide saved my butt in SO many ways. I thank you *SO* much for this guide!!!!
    Glad you have a working computer again.
    Did you have to reenter the win7 product key to activate win7?
    Did you have to install extra drivers within "P2P adjust OS", or did the program all automatically (replacing drivers with generic ones)?
    I did NOT have to reenter my key, that really shocked me. I didn't have to enter any other drivers either. The program put them all in automatically. Granted on boot (and first reboot), I did have a lot of drivers Windows 7 installed for me.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 8
    Windows 7 x64 bit

    Kaktussoft said:
    Biohazard326 said:
    Oh my god....I love you. I just used this program because I had a desktop that I had been using for 2+ years and I didn't want to lose all my niche settings and programs and what not, but I was told that under NO circumstances would I be able to pull my drive out of my old computer and install it (without losing anything) into my new computer. This program and guide saved my butt in SO many ways. I thank you *SO* much for this guide!!!!
    Your new computer most likely has another network card and graphics card. Were these old drivers not listed anymore after running P2P adjust OS and booting? So did it cleanup "device management" stuff?
    The new motherboard was ENTIRELY different, I went from a Intel Core 2 Quad to an Intel i7 960. Everything was basically changed. And yes it cleaned up device management from what I noticed. I only had a few drivers that were not installed automatically (which is not shocking since the motherboard had a few non-standard addons to it, bluetooth/wifi both built into the motherboard, a Xonar add on card to name a few). I swear overall this was the least painless computer procedure I have EVER encountered.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 10,796
    Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bits 7601 Multiprocessor Free Service Pack 1
    Thread Starter

    Biohazard326 said:
    Kaktussoft said:
    Biohazard326 said:
    Oh my god....I love you. I just used this program because I had a desktop that I had been using for 2+ years and I didn't want to lose all my niche settings and programs and what not, but I was told that under NO circumstances would I be able to pull my drive out of my old computer and install it (without losing anything) into my new computer. This program and guide saved my butt in SO many ways. I thank you *SO* much for this guide!!!!
    Your new computer most likely has another network card and graphics card. Were these old drivers not listed anymore after running P2P adjust OS and booting? So did it cleanup "device management" stuff?
    The new motherboard was ENTIRELY different, I went from a Intel Core 2 Quad to an Intel i7 960. Everything was basically changed. And yes it cleaned up device management from what I noticed. I only had a few drivers that were not installed automatically (which is not shocking since the motherboard had a few non-standard addons to it, bluetooth/wifi both built into the motherboard, a Xonar add on card to name a few). I swear overall this was the least painless computer procedure I have EVER encountered.
    So win7 needn't to be reactivated? nice.
    All useless drivers are gone in device management... nice. Default ones were installed instead.
    Windows update did finish the process.

    You had to install "non standard" driverstuff... as you said... quite normal. Just the same as replacing a network card for example.

    To recap... just a few clicks and all was working?
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 8
    Windows 7 x64 bit

    Yeah everything seemed to be working well when I stopped the project until I get my new case delivered. I would say from burning the iso to dvd, booting, running the program, booting into W7, rebooting and letting it install drivers, then rebooting time was under 30min. That's even with W7 slowly adding drivers in one by one.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 10,796
    Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bits 7601 Multiprocessor Free Service Pack 1
    Thread Starter

    1. Uninstall Device and Device Driver for devices no longer attached to system.
    2. Install all of your device drivers, then Windows Updates.
    3. Refresh your Windows Experience Index (WEI) score.
    4. When done, all you will need to do is to activate Windows 7.
    Are you very sure step 4 wasn't needed??
    Step 1 wasn't needed as well?? If so... I think the p2p adjust OS procedure replaced the graphics driver with "standard vga driver". Afterwards you or windows plug and play did install the correct gpu-driver. Correct?

    I need that info to update my tutorial
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 8
    Windows 7 x64 bit

    Kaktussoft said:
    1. Uninstall Device and Device Driver for devices no longer attached to system.
    2. Install all of your device drivers, then Windows Updates.
    3. Refresh your Windows Experience Index (WEI) score.
    4. When done, all you will need to do is to activate Windows 7.
    Are you very sure step 4 wasn't needed??
    Step 1 wasn't needed as well?? If so... I think the p2p adjust OS procedure replaced the graphics driver with "standard vga driver". Afterwards you or windows plug and play did install the correct gpu-driver. Correct?

    I need that info to update my tutorial

    No, i actually did step #1 and stripped the drivers, the p2p did adjust the driver to a generic which filled itself in once Windows booted. All in all, other than two or three non-standard devices, W7 installed *ALL* the drivers itself without any problems. #4 I did not have to do, but that may just be a fluke.

    By the way...on chance I tested it on Vista (yes, yes, laugh all you want) and it did the same results in almost twice the amount of time. I had a spare IBM/Lenovo laptop and swapped the Vista drive to a Dell, ran the program, fine (these were just laptops I repaired/restored to sell, so no harm, no foul).
      My Computer

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