How to Rebuild the Icon Cache in Windows
If one or more of your icons are not displaying correctly, or that your icon cache is corrupted, then you might consider rebuilding the icon cache to reset and reload the icon images into the icon cache in Vista, Windows 7, and Windows 8.
This will not help with any of the following icon issues:
- A shortcut's icon that is not displayed properly due to the source of the shortcut being moved or deleted. You may need to recreate a new shortcut directly from the source (ex: program's exe) file to replace it instead.
- All icons for a specific file extension display the wrong icon. This may be due to setting the wrong association for what program to open the file extension instead. You can restore the default file extension's associations to fix this icon instead.
Automatically Rebuild the Icon Cache
1. Click/tap on the download button below to download the file below.
2. Save the file to your desktop, and run it.
3. Click/tap on
Run when prompted.
4. Follow the instructions in the command prompt to rebuild the Icon Cache. (see screenshot below)
5. Restart your computer to generate a new IconCache.db file.
6. If the icons are still not displaying properly, then download and merge the
ICO option in this tutorial for
Windows 7 or
Windows 8 to restore the default associations of .ico (icon) files.
To Manually Rebuild the Icon Cache using the Command Prompt
1. Close and save anything that you are working on. This command will kill explorer and restart the computer when completed.
2. Open a command prompt in
Windows 7 or
Windows 8.
3. In the command prompt, Copy and paste each command line below exactly as is one at a time and press enter after each command.
WARNING: The last command will restart the computer, so be sure to close and save anything that you are working on first.
- ie4uinit.exe -ClearIconCache
- taskkill /IM explorer.exe /F
- DEL "%localappdata%\IconCache.db" /A
- DEL "%localappdata%\Microsoft\Windows\Explorer\iconcache*" /A
- shutdown /r /f /t 00
4. The
IconCache.db file has now been rebuilt.
5. If the icons are still not displaying properly, then download and merge the
ICO option in this tutorial for
Windows 7 or
Windows 8 to restore the default associations of .ico (icon) files.
That's it,