Video card BSD ATI 7870

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  1. Posts : 334
    7 home premium 64 bit

    Video card BSD ATI 7870

    This is a brand new card and it is a fresh install on a fresh os. Also it is the latest driver. I have covered the most basic suggestions.

    The driver that is causing the bsd's is atimdag.sys

    Here is the dmp files

    Attachment 321638
    They are zipped and there are 2 bsod's that happened today. Also my new card hits around 65c i think that is in normal range though and my games pretty much do max it out.

    Also if you want to know exactly what game i was playing it was battlefield 3 although it is not limited to that game as all games eventually bsd.

    I personally use blue screen viewer although everything it tells me doesn't mean much to me. Is there another program you guys use or how do you understand what these files tell you?

      My Computer

  2. Posts : 19,383
    Windows 10 Pro x64 ; Xubuntu x64

    Additional information is required.

    1. Download the DM Log Collector application to your desktop by clicking the link below

    DM Log Collector.exe

    2. Run it by double-clicking the icon on your desktop, and follow the prompts.
    3. Locate the .ZIP file that is created on your desktop, and upload it here in your next reply.

      My Computer

  3. Posts : 334
    7 home premium 64 bit
    Thread Starter

    Ok here is zip requested.
    Attachment 321685

    sorry about insufficient info. I thought i covered every thing.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 6,741
    W7 Pro x64 SP1 | W10 Pro IP x64 | W8.1 Pro x64 VM | Linux Mint VM

    Hi computergeekguy, in Golden's absence I took the liberty of looking at your dump files.

    Your AMD graphics driver is causing issues.

    fffff880`06a7d618  fffff880`11038000 atikmdag
    fffff880`06a7d620  fffff880`11892234 atikmdag+0x85a234
    fffff880`06a7d628  fffff880`11038000 atikmdag
    fffff880`06a7d630  fffff880`1189272c atikmdag+0x85a72c
    fffff880`06a7d638  fffff880`11038000 atikmdag
    fffff880`06a7d640  fffff880`11892804 atikmdag+0x85a804
    fffff880`06a7d648  fffff880`11038000 atikmdag
    fffff880`06a7d650  fffff880`11899ee4 atikmdag+0x861ee4
    fffff880`06a7d658  fffff880`11038000 atikmdag
    fffff880`06a7d660  fffff880`11899e84 atikmdag+0x861e84
    fffff880`06a7d668  fffff880`0406e000Unable to load image \SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\atikmpag.sys, Win32 error 0n2
    *** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for atikmpag.sys
    *** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for atikmpag.sys
    Use AMD Uninstall Utility to remove all traces of your current driver, CCC etc, then download the 13.9 driver from here. When installing choose 'Advanced' or 'Custom' (whichever option is available, just not Express) and uncheck everything except the video driver.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 334
    7 home premium 64 bit
    Thread Starter

    Ok I will install v 13.9. Your link however didn't work it sent me to v 14.4 I dont think ATI keeps there older drivers anymore. I had to download 13.9 from
    Hopefully it is the real driver and not some scam. I will be scanning with anti-v.

    I will need CCC installed as my card by defualt sets overscan wrong leaving an ugly border around my monitor.

    I will post back if problems persist. Thanks
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 6,741
    W7 Pro x64 SP1 | W10 Pro IP x64 | W8.1 Pro x64 VM | Linux Mint VM

    There's an alternate site here if you need to download it again. They're very reputable.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 334
    7 home premium 64 bit
    Thread Starter

    K im running 13.9 Only installed driver and ccc (and whatever it wouldn't let me uncheck)

    Attachment 321710

    Ill play around for a while and see if it bsod or not. Also how do i learn to diagnose my own bsod's in the future? I would love to learn how.

      My Computer

  8.    #8

    Good work Boozad :)

    As for learning how to debug, it's easier said than done, to understand how to debug you must understand how the operating system works as a whole.

    Here's a quote from someone when I first started learning.

    Did you know when you take a class in automobile repair that some of the stuff they start you off with is physics and chemistry? That's because they are the most basic things you need to understand to realize how a car actually operates. A car is the sum of all of its parts, so learning how those parts work by themselves is necessary to understand how it all comes together, and usually it comes down to the fundamentals, like physics and chemistry, and yes, even electronics.

    An operating system is very much the same. The point is to get you - the user - to tell the hardware - the PC - to do something through software and have it do the job and get back with you on the results. There are many parts that work in tandem to make this happen, as each part of the OS works with different parts of hardware and software to make sure they all work decently and in order. Knowing how each part works and how they work together is crucial to deep troubleshooting like debugging, but it's also important to know the fundamentals under them, namely the programming languages (in Windows that's usually C/C++ and Assembly) and the hardware infrastructure the OS is working to keep under wraps.

    So debugging and forensic troubleshooting are really a bunch of disciplines all wrapped up in a big package. You do not so much study and train to do debugging but rather train to learn each of these individual parts and how they work, and then you can apply that knowledge to troubleshooting when it doesn't work. It's like those who study forensics to find counterfeit money: they study every little detail of the real money so they can find what exactly is wrong with the fake ones. That's because there's many wrong ways to make counterfeit money, but there's only one way to make the real stuff, just like there's one way a computer should've done something but there's many ways it could mess up. You learn how cars run before you can learn how to repair them.

    So the best way to get started in learning how to do debugging and crashdump analysis and all that good stuff is to get back to the basics. Learn the different programming languages (Assembly especially, since they all boil down to it in the end anyways), learn how the hardware works, and learn how the OS puts it all together. Occasionally take a break from learning them and see if what you learned can be applied to debugging and troubleshooting a problem.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 17,322
    Win 10 Pro x64

    I know the driver has been found already, but here's a link to AMD as well,

    Previous AMD Catalyst? Display Drivers

    And other previous versions,

    Previous AMD Catalyst? Display Drivers
      My Computer

  10.    #10

    Good help Derek :)
      My Computer

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