having windows 7 issues.

  1. Posts : 4
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64

    having windows 7 issues.

    when i move the task bar to the top of the screen it is thick and fat.... it is double the average width. like 2 "layers". and the reason why is because now the date shows underneath the clock.

    i don't like this!!

    i already made sure that the properties are set for the taskbar to show only small icons. nothing.

    and i even changed the notifications properties to not show anything at all in the system tray and all it did was make it all blank, still fat and 2 layers wide.

    here's the weird part: when i move the taskbar to the BOTTOM its skinny and perfect. just how i want it. no date. but when moved back to the top its fat again. HELP!!

    how do i keep the skinny taskbar even at the top??

    screenshot: http://i51.tinypic.com/2q8awco.png

    i tried to just drag it smaller. it will not allow me to do that and the task bar is NOT locked. i can only make it even bigger but no smaller than the 2 layers.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 17,545
    Windows 10 Pro x64 EN-GB

    Selecting small taskbar icons does not change Quick Launch toolbar icon size, that must be separately done inside Quick Launch (unlock taskbar, right click empty spot in QL, select View > Small Icons).

    Here a taskbar with small icons but big QL icons:

    having windows 7 issues.-taskbar_size_1.png

    Here both taskbar and QL with small icons:

    having windows 7 issues.-taskbar_size_2.png

      My Computer


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