Hi All,
Due my technolgical inexperience, in being able to identify the source of my problem, I think I'm now posting this where it's likely to see a resolution to this issue.
When I recently tried to update the USB 3 driver on my new ASUS laptop, I encountered an "Error:-1605 This action is only valid for products that are currently installed" message. I contacted ASUS Tech Support and they provided me with a later driver and the same error occurred. After several more calls they then advised me to scrub the HDD and reinstall the Windows 7 64 bit software, and try the installation of the driver again.
I decided against this action, and have done nothing more about it until buying a WD Passport USB 3 drive a week ago. I'm not convinced the drive is working at it's best so I posted at this forum for some advice.
However since that time I've discovered that the 1605 error may be a Windows issue and not the driver. Through many searches, I have so far found there are no specific remedies to be able to install the latest USB 3 driver after the error 1605 has occurred.
There have been suggestions of using the Microsoft cleanup utility "msicuu2.exe", but have reservations about using this. I'm sure that I'm not the only one who has had this problem, and would really appreciate some suggestions on how to be able to get around this please.