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  1. Posts : 34
    Win7 64 bit Home Premium


    Hi All,
    Due my technolgical inexperience, in being able to identify the source of my problem, I think I'm now posting this where it's likely to see a resolution to this issue.

    When I recently tried to update the USB 3 driver on my new ASUS laptop, I encountered an "Error:-1605 This action is only valid for products that are currently installed" message. I contacted ASUS Tech Support and they provided me with a later driver and the same error occurred. After several more calls they then advised me to scrub the HDD and reinstall the Windows 7 64 bit software, and try the installation of the driver again.

    I decided against this action, and have done nothing more about it until buying a WD Passport USB 3 drive a week ago. I'm not convinced the drive is working at it's best so I posted at this forum for some advice.

    However since that time I've discovered that the 1605 error may be a Windows issue and not the driver. Through many searches, I have so far found there are no specific remedies to be able to install the latest USB 3 driver after the error 1605 has occurred.

    There have been suggestions of using the Microsoft cleanup utility "msicuu2.exe", but have reservations about using this. I'm sure that I'm not the only one who has had this problem, and would really appreciate some suggestions on how to be able to get around this please.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 6,349
    Windows7 Pro 64bit SP-1; Windows XP Pro 32bit


    I'm getting the same searching around to use the clean up tool.
    How to troubleshoot problems that may occur when you install, uninstall, or upgrade a program on a Windows-based computer

    I don't know if you tried this yet but go into Device Manager and Uninstall the old driver. Restart. Then install the new one.
    If that doesn't work the clean up tool would seem to be next in line.

      My Computer

  3. Posts : 34
    Win7 64 bit Home Premium
    Thread Starter

    G'day Mike thanks for the reply.

    I'm really reluctant to unistall the current USB 3 driver, because if this doesn't work them I'm stuck with USB 2 and the prospect of scrubbing everything and starting again really doesn't appeal to me.

    Is there any Registry tweaks that might help and what would I be looking for?

    Cheers Ron
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 6,349
    Windows7 Pro 64bit SP-1; Windows XP Pro 32bit

    Not a one.

    I found what you did.
    It might not be Windows but the driver itself.
    Also you usually do better on major drivers such as video drivers to uninstall the old first then install the new.

    It isn't usually a problem with other drivers.
    I'm using Asus board and have not had a problem when I updated USB3.0 drivers and other mother board drivers. Asus software uninstalled old and installed new and done.
    Bad uninstalls can happen doing it automatically or manually.

    Your call. Maybe someone else will come up with some other ideas.

    Sorry. Giving you what I found which isn't much. Mostly just confirming what you already knew.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 34
    Win7 64 bit Home Premium
    Thread Starter

    Thanks for you confirmation that it's not going to be helpful to try and trawl through the registry - a job I wasn't looking forward to anyway!

    Just on the unistall procedure, what would be the best way to do this? In the Device Manager and: remove all the drivers for related USB 3 entries, only selected USB 3 entries, or remove these by another process?

    As you can see I'm a bit technologically challenged.

    You sound confident that removing the driver may work, but as I posted earlier, I reluctant because if this doesn't work, I'm up the well known creek without a paddle.

    Also, I'm wondering why the techs at ASUS didn't mention to do this?
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 6,349
    Windows7 Pro 64bit SP-1; Windows XP Pro 32bit

    Okay. I don't know which Asus board you have so we will use mine for pictures.

    Open Device Manager. Find the USB3.0 they will be together as mine if more than one.
    If you have two or more then you will do this procedure for each one. Probably no more than two and will be same brand most likely.

    1) Right Click NEC or what ever yours is then in the baloon left click properties. Top left and right pictures.

    2) Bottom Picture- Click Driver tab.
    3) Click uninstall. Wait a few seconds or until done- it might pop a window up to confirm delete.
    4) When done click OK.

    If you have two do both. Then install new driver only once. Twice to remove if two listed- once to install in both places.
    There is the info if you decide to go with it.
    Last edited by Hopalong X; 26 Jan 2011 at 10:32.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 34
    Win7 64 bit Home Premium
    Thread Starter

    Thanks for the informative notes Mike, all I've got to do now is work up the courage to delete them and see what happens when I try to install the new driver.

    I've posted for help on this at a couple of other places but no replies yet, so I'll wait a while yet before I get serious about deleting the existing ones.

    If I did delete the drivers and then tried to install the new NEC driver .exe file and it crashes again, how successful do you think it would be to try to get windows to update the driver via the Device Manager?

    Cheers Ron
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 6,349
    Windows7 Pro 64bit SP-1; Windows XP Pro 32bit

    how successful do you think it would be to try to get windows to update the driver via the Device Manager?
    It might but you would have to direct the updater to the driver. It won't get it on line through Windows update like a Security update does.

    If it doesn't install properly by my method then. Or do the below first.
    How to troubleshoot problems that may occur when you install, uninstall, or upgrade a program on a Windows-based computer

    I have no preference.
    To me it is try one way. If it doesn't work try the other.

    PS- Just in case you forgot. One person I know did.
    Don't forget to extract the driver from the downloaded Asus zip file. Right click and click extract.
    Zipped drivers won't install.

    Also my Hardware is NEC yours may be different brand but will be marked USB3.0.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 34
    Win7 64 bit Home Premium
    Thread Starter

    Hmmm that's interesting what you say about the zipped file, (not that you have to extract them first - that much I do know )

    The latest driver file I found for my laptop was called When extracted, there were only 2 files: NECEL-USB#-Host-Driver-10180-setup.exe and Setup.iss, so I'm thinking that if your 1st method doesn't set up the drivers, I'm screwed, as redirecting Windows to the folder containing the .exe file will only try to run what I've done manually - yes?
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 6,349
    Windows7 Pro 64bit SP-1; Windows XP Pro 32bit

    Yes on last question.

    I'm headed to bed. Keep me up to date.

    Go with normal (my) way or the Microsoft first. If it doesn't work try the other.

    I lean 60% to uninstall the MS way to clean up the registry since you did get the error code.

      My Computer

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