Installing video driver for Intel 855 Centrino Chipset  

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  1. Posts : 4

    I tried and it hung up my tablet. I checked but isn't that driver for 830,845, 865 chipset?
    Last edited by jcsurg; 07 Jun 2009 at 10:32.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 4

    microwiz said:
    That is great news that it is working for SOMEONE! Can you check the your 855/82855 driver to see what the version number in the Device Manager?

    I've also been finding some references to 'VGA terminator' plugs that may do the trick of fooling the 700m into thinking that a monitor is attached - including how to build them for fairly cheap, after a little work with a soldering iron. I'd be interested to try to switch to your driver version, but I'm also concerned about how fragile the driver seems and might want to put off messing with it for a while... so I might end up building one of these dummy plugs.

    EDIT: forgot to ask: what resolution are you running at? Have you been able to get 1280x800?

    Reference to Vga termination. Are you talking about terminating Red , Green, blue signals to ground via 75 ohm resistor? If you are, do you have to use three seperate resistors or just tie RGB signals together and ground via one resistor? Other possiblity, can you just terminate the Green signal for this to work?
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  3. Posts : 2
    windows 7

    BigJimmy said:
    hi frnds i tried this way but i cant get it .after trying so much i got 100% result.thatis after installing installing w7 u get stander vga drivers then u directly install only[only] this driver [by going through computer managment>device manager>display adapters>properties>update driver>locate this drivers on hard drive after unziping .]and reboot after installation is completed.

    vvimp MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service

    2.drag cmd prompt on to the desktop . start run as adminitrator >type Bcdedit.exe /set nointegritychecks ON
    3.u can check in dxdiag>display for conformation
    OK. I finally have this working on my dell 700m after using a mix of this solution and another that I tried with the beta build and got BSOD. Turn off integrity checks as described in step 2 above then download the drivers. Reboot in safe mode and install the drivers as decribed above. Click the "Scan for hardware changes" button at the top of the device manager and let it whirr away until it gives you a dialogue box saying the 855 drivers are ready to use. Reboot.

    When you reboot the screen will display as before in VGA mode, but when you log in the new drivers will be detected and installed. The screen will go black. Reboot when the hard disk has become idle. You should now be running with the intel drivers. If you right click on the desktop and click screen relolution, then click advanced settings and then list all modes, you should be able to change to 1280x800 32bit true colour mode.

    Hope this helps somebody.

    I too have a 700M, running W7 RC (build 7100). This is the only proposed solution that worked for me. I haven't restarted yet (fingers crossed), but I'm hopeful. I had previously run the following command as well (not sure if this was necessary):
    1. Open Command Prompt (Run As Administrator)
    2. execute that command: bcdedit /set testsigning no

    I have since restarted just fine. I guess I should also mention the fix above took me two attempts (and I waited about 7 mins with the black screen before rebooting the second time). I think the first time I just restarted before it was done installing the driver (it's hard to tell what's going on when your screen is blank :P ).
    Last edited by saro; 07 Jul 2009 at 09:53. Reason: adding more relevant info
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 4

    microwiz said:
    Getting the same results with driver .4656 on a Dell Inspiron 700m. Bizarre that the driver works fine (with full native res, 1200x800) when booted with an external monitor attached, but bluescreens without. Hopefully some bright soul will be able to figure out a way around that!
    You asked, and I can deliver. The 0x7E STOP blue screen is occuring due to the new boot animation in Win7 which runs at 1024x768 and the crash occurs when the resolution changes at the end of that (since the driver was written when no resolution change occurred then). Strangely it only crashes if an external monitor isn't attached. So if you avoid the new boot animation that forces the old boot VGA resolution (640x480) that the driver can handle, and the blue screen doesn't occur. That can be achieved by running msconfig and checking Boot->OS boot information. Instead of the animation you now get text showing driver loads and the 0x7E STOP blue screen is avoided. And now you don't need an external monitor connected each time you reboot.

    Unfortunately this didn't help me as I instead (with the above workaround or an external monitor attached) now get a 0x50 STOP blue screen immediately at logon with my Fujitsu Stylistic 5021D Tablet PC .

    However, I did finally discover that the 3722 driver does work for me. BUT I had to reboot about 4 times before it stopped installing the driver at logon / giving me a code 43. All other builds of the driver just kept getting uninstalled indefinitely. So now I can reboot without problems and the machine can sleep and hibernate. Unfortunately this driver doesn't support portrait but given it works for everything else, I'm pretty happy.

    I also tried 4421 and 4497 drivers but both of these had the uninstalled at logon issue and I couldn't find a way to prevent that - none of the various suggestions in this long thread had any effect.

    Update:- Found out how to enable rotation. Add these registry keys:
    HKLM\Software\Intel\CUI\DISPLAY1\EnableRotation = (DWORD)1
    HKLM\Software\Intel\CUI\DISPLAY2\EnableRotation = (DWORD)1
    and reboot.
    Last edited by Arathranar; 17 Aug 2009 at 15:18. Reason: Corrected typos and clarified wording.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 2

    Many Many thanks

    Yea, Many thanks for your mentioning 0x7E STOP issue... I am now able to start my windows 7 copy in my 7 years old 700m seamlessly
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 2

    Yea, Many thanks for your mentioning 0x7E STOP issue... I am now able to start my windows 7 copy in my 7 years old 700m seamlessly
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 8

    Yes, thank you for this simple fix. You are very clever for working this out!
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 8

    My only problem now is my Dell 700m powering off randomly. This may be due to overheating (as mentioned earlier), although the system has never done this with XP. Does anyone know if any of the new Win7 power options/features might be doing something to system temperature (via the fan or clock speed etc.) that would cause the system to overheat?
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 28,845
    Win 8 Release candidate 8400

    dell power off

    dg8162 said:
    My only problem now is my Dell 700m powering off randomly. This may be due to overheating (as mentioned earlier), although the system has never done this with XP. Does anyone know if any of the new Win7 power options/features might be doing something to system temperature (via the fan or clock speed etc.) that would cause the system to overheat?
    You wouldn't by chance be running win 7 ver 7000?
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 8

    zigzag3143 said:
    You wouldn't by chance be running win 7 ver 7000?

    "Windows 7
    Evaluation copy. Build 7100".

      My Computer

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