Start Up Problems

  1. Posts : 6
    windows 7 home premium x64

    Start Up Problems

    I'm new to this and i recently got a problem i just could not solve. it drives me crazy . When i start up my wifi icon in my try says there is a connection problem and i'm connected through wire and when i click on it, the area where it shows the available connections won't open however i am able to right click it and i can't open network and sharing center. my hidden icons are also messed up, my Microsoft Security Essentials is saying it's at risk but i am unable to right click on that and open it until sometime later for some reason it magically works again and it is not actually at risk. Final thing there are only 3 hidden icons when there should be 6, the 3 are Microsoft Security Essentials, Intel(R) HD Graphics, and Intel (R) Rapid Storage Technology. Everything loads up and works again sometime after i start up except the wifi icon i needed to reconnect to my network to correct the icon.

    Programs i have for viruses, etc
    Microsoft Security Essentials
    Spybot S&D
    Malware Bytes
    Glary Utilities
    I had AVG but i uninstalled it for MSE

    I would greatly appreciate if you helped me since i am very paranoid with my laptop's safety
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 7,380
    Windows 7 ultimate x64

    Hi nicholas, Welcome to SF.

    You have mentioned all the programs that you are using for security purpose. Have you scanned the PC with them?

    I will suggest to use Malware bytes, MSE and Spybot S&D. Scan the system and keep us posted.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 6
    windows 7 home premium x64
    Thread Starter

    Yes, i scanned with malwarebytes(quick), mse(quick), and spybot but there was nothing except the facebook.messenger which i think is a false positive from spybot
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 7,380
    Windows 7 ultimate x64
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 6
    windows 7 home premium x64
    Thread Starter

    I scanned using cmd but it says it didn't fix anything
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 6
    windows 7 home premium x64
    Thread Starter

    Please help it takes forever to load up and during that time i am unable to open almost everything except chrome, mozilla, etc but i cant open network and sharing center. I will try all suggestions

    also i have noticed that everything starts to load up again as intel task tray framework icon appears in the taskbar however this icon disappears when everything becomes fine.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 6
    windows 7 home premium x64
    Thread Starter

    I have also noticed in my task manager csrss.exe has no information at all except how much memory it is using. Working set memory 18k, memory private working set 2k. winlogon.exe, sddt.exe also has no information
      My Computer

  8.    #8

    Did you use the Removal Tool to completely get out the AVG crapware? Uninstallers (removal tools) for common antivirus software - ESET Knowledgebase

    Spybot is also not favored here. Use - Downloads

    Check if System Files have been damaged, establish a Clean Boot and the other Troubleshooting Steps for Windows 7 to go over your install completely.

    But if this is the original Dell factory Preinstalled WIn7 it is larded with bloatware and duplicate utilties which interfere with better versions built into Win7. So I'd do like most tech enthusiasts and Clean Reinstall - Factory OEM Windows 7
      My Computer


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