6801 Ready for Prime Time?
I have been running 6801 for a while now and I'm surprised at the number of things it is able to do for me. I'm running everything I want to, including Nero 8. Also, I'm doing this off of an OCZ SSD.
So far, everything runs much faster than Vista, no doubt due in large part to the SSD.
However, because I dual boot, with the MBR on the old Seagate 80GB, I don't think I'm taking full advantage of the SSD yet with regard to boot times. I want to revert back to a single OS using just Win 7 on the SSD.
Also, with regard to 6956, I'm hesitant to install that. I'm not a MS Beta Tester and if 6956 goes south, I can't be assured of a bailout (sorry, just had to do that).
I was thinking of pulling the Vista drive, and trying to repair 6801 (it will give me an NTLDR missing error).
Input here.............
1) It looks like 6801 is pretty stable. Agree?
2) The real thing is coming next year. Agree?
3) Do you think it will be possible to repair 6801 if I kill Vista?