Why does Windows 7 install drivers every time I boot

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  1. Posts : 5,056
    Windows 7 x64 pro/ Windows 7 x86 Pro/ XP SP3 x86

    Have you tried using different drivers? This may be happening because the drivers are not fully compatible with win7.

    You can also try running a repair install.

    Repair Install
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 36
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64
    Thread Starter

    Bill2 said:
    Have you tried using different drivers? This may be happening because the drivers are not fully compatible with win7.

    You can also try running a repair install.

    Repair Install
    thanks, i'll do that...any other suggestion if it wont work...
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 6,349
    Windows7 Pro 64bit SP-1; Windows XP Pro 32bit

    Did you run SFC /scannow up to three times?

    It will not repair everything in one pass if it finds problems. Did a window pop up that says it cannot fix all the problems?
    If so you run it again up to three times.

      My Computer

  4.    #14

    Is this a clean install, or an inferior factory pre-install or in-place Upgrade from VIsta?

    Consider a clean install for best performance of Win7: re-install windows 7

    Standard troubleshooting steps which may reveal issue if it is being logged anywhere: Computer lags every couple seconds
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 36
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64
    Thread Starter

    pls guys solve my other problem as well
    Power Icon Disabled even if laptop is not an AC Power

    i ended up searching this result...
    u need to type "powercfg.exe /globalpowerflag off /option batteryicon " then enter,
    then "powercfg.exe /globalpowerflag on /option batteryicon" then enter again.

    After this go back to properties and under the notification area tab, now the system icons should be selectable.
    but when i tried this cmd gave an error that it is not a command, when i used /help this was the result...can someone tell me how can i use the above method of "/globalpowerflag"...
    <SCHEME_GUID>  (optional) Specifies the GUID of the power scheme
                                 to display, can be obtained by using powercfg -l.
                  <SUB_GUID>     (optional) Specifies the GUID of the subgroup
                                 to display.  Requires a SCHEME_GUID to be provided.
                  If neither SCHEME_GUID or SUB_GUID are provided, the settings
                  of the current user's active power scheme are displayed.
                  If SUB_GUID is not specified, all settings in the specified
                  power scheme are displayed.
      -CHANGE, -X Modifies a setting value in the current power scheme.
                  Usage: POWERCFG -X <SETTING> <VALUE>
                  <SETTING>   Specifies one of the following options:
                              -monitor-timeout-ac <minutes>
                              -monitor-timeout-dc <minutes>
                              -disk-timeout-ac <minutes>
                              -disk-timeout-dc <minutes>
                              -standby-timeout-ac <minutes>
                              -standby-timeout-dc <minutes>
                              -hibernate-timeout-ac <minutes>
                              -hibernate-timeout-dc <minutes>
                      POWERCFG -Change -monitor-timeout-ac 5
                  This would set the monitor idle timeout value to 5 minutes
                  when on AC power.
      -CHANGENAME Modifies the name of a power scheme and optionally it's
                  Usage: POWERCFG -CHANGENAME <GUID> <name> <scheme description>
                  If the description is omitted only the name will be changed.
                  Duplicates the specified power scheme.  The resulting
                  GUID which represents the new scheme will be displayed.
                  Usage: POWERCFG -DUPLICATESCHEME <GUID> <destination GUID>
                  <GUID>  Specifies a scheme GUID obtained by using the powercfg -l.
                  If <destination GUID> is omitted, a new GUID will be
                  created for the duplicated scheme.
      -DELETE, -D Deletes the power scheme with the specified GUID.
                  Usage: POWERCFG -DELETE <GUID>
                  <GUID>  obtained by using the LIST parameter.
                  Deletes a power setting.
                  <SUB_GUID>      Specifies the subgroup GUID.
                  <SETTING_GUID>  Specifies the power setting guid.
      -SETACTIVE, -S
                  Makes the specified power scheme active on the system.
                  Usage: POWERCFG -SETACTIVE <SCHEME_GUID>
                  <SCHEME_GUID>  Specifies the scheme guid.
                  Retrieve the currently active power scheme.
                  Usage: POWERCFG -GETACTIVESCHEME
                  Sets a value associated with a specified power setting
                  while the system is powered by AC power.
                                                   <SETTING_GUID> <SettingIndex>
                  <SCHEME_GUID>   Specifies a power scheme GUID and may be
                                  obtained by using PowerCfg /L.
                  <SUB_GUID>      Specifies a subgroup of power setting GUID and may
                                  be obtained by using "PowerCfg /Q."
                  <SETTING_GUID>  Specifies an individual power setting GUID and may
                                  be obtained by using "PowerCfg /Q".
                  <SettingIndex>  Specifies which of the list of of possible values
                                  this power setting will be set to.
                      POWERCFG -SetAcValueIndex <GUID> <GUID> <GUID> 5
                      This would set the power setting's AC value to the 5th entry
                      in the list of possible values for this power setting.
                  Sets a value associated with a specified power setting
                  while the system is powered by DC power.
                                                   <SETTING_GUID> <SettingIndex>
                  <SCHEME_GUID>   Specifies a power scheme GUID and may be
                                  obtained by using PowerCfg /L.
                  <SUB_GUID>      Specifies a subgroup of power setting GUID and may
                                  be obtained by using "PowerCfg /Q."
                  <SETTING_GUID>  Specifies an individual power setting GUID and may
                                  be obtained by using "PowerCfg /Q".
                  <SettingIndex>  Specifies which of the list of possible values
                                  this setting will be set to.
                      POWERCFG -SetDcValueIndex <GUID> <GUID> <GUID> 5
                      This would set the power setting's DC value to the 5th entry
                      in the list of possible values for this power setting.
      -HIBERNATE, -H
                  Enables-Disables the hibernate feature.  Hibernate timeout is not
                  supported on all systems.
                  Usage: POWERCFG -H <ON|OFF>
                         POWERCFG -H -Size <PercentSize>
                  -Size  Specifies the desired hiberfile size in percentage of the
                         total memory. The default size cannot be smaller than 50.
                         This switch will also enable the hiberfile automatically.
                  Reports the sleep states available on the system
                  Attempts to report reasons why sleep states are unavailable.
                  Return a list of devices that meet the specified criteria.
                  Usage: POWERCFG -DEVICEQUERY <queryflags>
                  <queryflags>  Secifies one of the following criteria:
                  wake_from_S1_supported  Return all devices that support waking the
                                          system from a light sleep state.
                  wake_from_S2_supported  Return all devices that support waking the
                                          system from a deeper sleep state.
                  wake_from_S3_supported  Return all devices that support waking the
                                          system from the deepest sleep state.
                  wake_from_any           Return all devices that support waking the
                                          system from any sleep state.
                  S1_supported            List devices supporting light sleep.
                  S2_supported            List devices supporting deeper sleep.
                  S3_supported            List devices supporting deepest sleep.
                  S4_supported            List devices supporting hibernation.
                  wake_programmable       List devices that are user-configurable
                                          to wake the system from a sleep state.
                  wake_armed              List devices that are currently configured
                                          to wake the system from any sleep state.
                  all_devices             Return all devices present in the system.
                  all_devices_verbose     Return verbose list of devices.
                      POWERCFG -DEVICEQUERY wake_armed
                  Enable the device to wake the system from a sleep state.
                  Usage: POWERCFG -DEVICEENABLEWAKE <devicename>
                  <devicename>  Specifies a device retrieved using
                                "PowerCfg -DEVICEQUERY wake_programmable".
                      POWERCFG -DEVICEENABLEWAKE
                                           "Microsoft USB IntelliMouse Explorer"
      -DEVICEDISABLEWAKE <devicename> disable the device from waking the system
                  Disable the device from waking the system from a sleep state
                  Usage: POWERCFG -DEVICEDISABLEWAKE
                  <devicename>  Specifies a device retrieved using
                                "PowerCfg -DEVICEQUERY wake_armed".
      -IMPORT     Imports all power settings from the specified file.
                  Usage: POWERCFG -IMPORT <filename> <GUID>
                  <filename>  Specify a fully-qualified path to a file generated by
                              using "PowerCfg -EXPORT parameter".
                  <GUID>      (optional) The settings are loaded into a power scheme
                              represented by this GUID. If not supplied, powercfg
                              will generate and use a new GUID
                      POWERCFG -IMPORT c:\scheme.pow
      -EXPORT     Exports power scheme, represented by the specified GUID, to the
                  specified file.
                  Usage: POWERCFG -EXPORT <filename> <GUID>
                  <filename>  Specify a fully-qualified path to a destination file.
                  <GUID>      specifies a power scheme GUID and may be obtained by
                              using "PowerCfg /L"
                      POWERCFG -EXPORT c:\scheme.pow
      -LASTWAKE   Reports information about what woke the system from the last
                  sleep transition
      -HELP, -?   Displays information on command-line parameters.
      -ALIASES    Displays all aliases and their corresponding GUIDs.
                  The user may use these aliases in place of any GUID on
                  the commandline.
                  Sets a security descriptor associated with a specified
                  power setting, power scheme, or action.
                  <GUID>       Specifies a power scheme or a power setting GUID.
                  <ACTION>     Can be one of the following strings:
                               ActionSetActive, ActionCreate, ActionDefault
                  <SDDL>       Specifies a valid security descriptor string in SDDL
                               format. Call POWERCFG -GETSECURITYDESCRIPTOR to see
                               an example SDDL STRING.
                  Gets a security descriptor associated with a specified
                  power setting, power scheme, or action.
                  <GUID>       Specifies a power scheme or a power setting GUID.
                  <ACTION>     Can be one of the following strings:
                               ActionSetActive, ActionCreate, ActionDefault
                  Enumerate application and driver Power Requests. Power
                  Requests prevent the computer from automatically powering off
                  the display or entering a low-power sleep mode.
                  Sets a Power Request override for a particular Process, Service,
                  or Driver. If no parameters are specified, this command displays
                  the current list of Power Request Overrides.
                  <CALLER_TYPE>    Specifies one of the following caller type:
                                   PROCESS, SERVICE, DRIVER. This is obtained by
                                   calling the POWERCFG -REQUESTS command.
                  <NAME>           Specifies the caller name. This is the name
                                   returned from calling POWERCFG -REQUESTS command.
                  <REQUEST>        Specifies one or more of the following Power
                                   Request Types: Display, System, Awaymode.
                      POWERCFG -REQUESTSOVERRIDE PROCESS wmplayer.exe Display System
                  Analyze the system for common energy-efficiency and battery life
                  problems. The ENERGY command should be used when the computer is
                  idle and with no open programs or documents. The ENERGY command
                  will generate an HTML report file in the current path. The ENERGY
                  command supports the following optional parameters:
                  Usage: POWERCFG -ENERGY [-OUTPUT <FILENAME>] [-XML]
                                          [-DURATION <SECONDS>]
                         POWERCFG -ENERGY -TRACE [-D <FILEPATH>]
                                                 [-DURATION <SECONDS>]
                  -OUTPUT <FILENAME>   - Specify the path and filename to store the
                                         energy report HTML file.
                  -XML                 - Format the report file as XML.
                  -TRACE               - Record system behavior and do not perform
                                         analysis. Trace files will be generated in
                                         the current path unless the -D parameter
                                         is specified.
                  -D <FILEPATH>        - Specify the directory to store trace data.
                                         May only be used with the -TRACE parameter.
                  -DURATION <SECONDS>  - Specify the number of seconds to observe
                                         system behavior.  Default is 60 seconds.
                  Enumerate the active wake timers. If enabled, the expiration of a
                  wake timer wakes the system from sleep and hibernate states.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 5,056
    Windows 7 x64 pro/ Windows 7 x86 Pro/ XP SP3 x86

    What exactly did you type? You dont type the quotes, remember, also be carefully about spaces in the command.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 36
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64
    Thread Starter

    Bill2 said:
    What exactly did you type? You dont type the quotes, remember, also be carefully about spaces in the command.
    i typed it correct...but it said that it is an invalid parameter...also...u can see in that help list that this globalpowerflag paramater is not in the list...
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 240
    Win 8 RP, Win 7, XP


    Did you run some registry optimization tool on your system back in time?

    If yes, then its possible that the registry is damaged by that tool and it will be hard if not impossible to fix. Reinstallation could be the considered.

    If no, you could look in task manager for some suspicious process or service. Some scheduled task could also change system settings.

    Did you check for malware etc.?
      My Computer

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