What was your first Experience with a PC/OS ???
Well as for me my first machine i ever touched was the Mac OS (i believe it was 6.0...)
that was in elementary (1996... yes we were behind the times, this school didnt have much money...) then in 98 to upgraded to Mac 7 and finally to 8.....
That was the last i saw or heard of the Mac until OSX and the Ipod ...(never got one..., now i think it was a better not spending a fortune for an mp3
Well as for my machine it was a 1.2 ghz duron running with 128 mb ram (i thought that was IGP S3 Savage (hated that till the day it 1 32gb harddrive (still works till this day....the only existent from my old computer...)
had Windows 98 and then to ME (its not as bad as most people make it think i dont know why people bash it...)
so what is/was your first computer and if you didnt own it then which was your first PC you bought and your experience???